Bu-Yurgan kitabs (Kazan tarihi)

Bu-Yurgan kitabs. Chapter 5

Oowning the city, Gabdel-Mumin released Yakub from it with Gali-bey's son Aidar to Serkach to Kasim and invited his father to come to him. Yabyk-Mohammed entered Kazan and appointed Khan Mahmudtek Ulugbek of Kazan Il. The secular authorities of all countries were announced about the restoration of the unity of the Bulgar State under the high authority of the seid-emirs of the Ashrafids and were ordered to officially communicate with the seids through their secular servants - the Kazan and Cheremshan Ulugbeks. Seyid courts were established in Kazan, Echke-Kazan, Korym-Challah and Ufa, and Kazan received the right to be governed by its own Magistrate. This Magistrate was called "Tyumen", because in the baliks of Kazan there were then 10 thousand households. The entire State was divided into eight provinces (ils, vilayets), of which only Kazan was ruled by ulugbeks from hired khans, and the rest by ulugbeks from local beks. But just the Kazan Ulugbek Khan had less rights than other Ulugbeks. In Kazan, he was allocated for the time of his service only a small courtyard in Yugary Kerman, which was later slightly expanded, and in the silt - several auls of the Khan's part of the Kazan vilayet. The Khan could “judge only in the Khan's part of the Kazan il.

The rest of the Kazan il was called Tarkhanna and was controlled by the inals of the districts - Kazan, Dzhury, Alat, Laishevsky and Subash or Dzhebelstan - from the Tarkhans. At the head of the Dzhuri district, the center of which was at first the balik Old Dzhuri, and then New Dzhuri, the descendants of the tarkhan Sultan-Mamet were placed, at the head of the Kazan district were the descendants of the tarkhan Kura-


Ish-Biya, at the head of Alatsky are the descendants of Tarkhan Arslan, at the head of Jebelstan are the descendants of Talkysh, starting with his son, Tarkhan Danil, at the head of Laishevsky are the descendants of Altynbek ...

In addition to the Kazan il, there were seven more provinces in the State: Arsk il, Nukrat il, Chally-Cheremshan or Chulman il, Simbirsk il, Ishtyak il, Agidel il and Bashkort il.

The Ulugbeks of the Arsk Il were the descendants of Abdallah ibn Bashtu. Initially, their possessions were located in the upper reaches of the Honturchi and on the Great Cheremshan, and the son of Abdallah - Bulyar and his son Salman already owned this district with a center in Kul-Balik ... Bulyar's descendant - the son of Makhdum Salman - participated in the attack on the ships of Syb-Bulat and shelter for Bek Yakub-Elaur, who surrendered to him. Since then, both clans have always been very friendly ... Salman's son Nur-Daulet married the daughter of the Shemakha merchant Samed, who fled from the Tatars, which is why his son was named Samed. Mohammed ibn Gali was the grandson of this Samed... The son of Mohammed ibn Gali bek Saman led the calculation and resettlement of the population of Echke Bulgar under Emir Azan and at the same time received * possessions in the Arsk district. At the same time, he, like others, retained his former possessions, used them for cattle breeding and guarded them with his Cossacks ... The grandson of Saman, the son of Khusain bey Nur-Daulet kept guard in Hyp-Suvar "visited both Ulug Bolgar and Nur-Suvar. In 1471, he left to see off his son Bahadir to the Sarai war and rested here. From him, the descendants of Bashtu became Ar Ulugbeks: Their power was so great that even the Kazanchis of the Arslan clan sought friendship with them, and Arslan's son Urazmet named his own. son in the name of the son of Bahadir Sadir and wrote to him: “I do this out of respect for you” ...

The Ulugbeks of the Ishtyak il, centered on Kungur, were the descendants of Bilemshah ~ the son of the Ishtyak biy Muldan from the sister of bek Masgut, the father of Tarkhan Ishtyak... Suspicion of sympathy for Yabyk-Mohammed, After-Abalak, the Ulugbek of Ishtyak Il was his son Dauli, who repelled an attempt by the Balyns to seize the center of Nukrat Il Nukrat-Tuba. In memory of this, he named his fc son Tuba. Shali's grandson, son of Amir, Hamid helped him with this and married his son Gali to the daughter of Tuba. The grandson of Gali, the son of Al-Ahme-da Tuba was named after the Ulugbek of Tuba. The son of Tuba Aman-Bak went with Al-Ahmed to Jun-Kala, but in vain he climbed over the fence of the Lachyk-Uba prison and was captured by the infidels ... father. And he himself had then already a son - Yermak ...

The descendants of Tarkhan Ishtyak were appointed Ulugbeks of the Agidel Il. The son of Ishtyak Altyn-bi distinguished himself by valor in the defeat of the Tatars of Batu in the battle near the balik, which was named Bugulma in her honor. The son of Altyn-bi Almat fell in 1278 while defending the crossing at the Bashkort balik... The son of Almat Sheger died while repelling the attack of the Nogai biys who rebelled against the Kipchak Khan Uzbek... The son of Sheger Gali transferred his headquarters from Ufa to the Safar balik built by Altyn-bi why they began to call him Safarly Gali. And this balik got its name from the Safar mosque, built by Belebey. In 1346, Safarly Gali recaptured new Nogais from the Bulyar balik, and his son Kadyr was killed by the Kytays who returned from the Mamaev War... Kadyr's grandson, Masgut's son Nadir participated in the defeat of the White Nogais, and in 1428 was treacherously handed over by Emir Gali Bey to Khan Kichi - To Mohammed and he was stabbed to death by the Tatars ... The son of Nadir Berket, with the help of black Nogais - descendants of Barmak - expelled the White Nogays from Bashkort and became the first Ulugbek of the province of Agidel. Berket was killed by the Russians when Safar-Balik was burned down in 1468. Then the Ulugbeks of the Agidel province were the son of Berket Mustafa, who defeated the infidels near Kungur in the same 1468, the son of Mustafa Safarly Almat, the son of Safarly Almat ... The son of Enei-bek Ilche-Berket now serves as a conductor of caravans and messengers on the Subash road from Kazan to Korym -Chally and the Nogai road from Korym-Challi "to the Nogai Horde ...

The Ulugbeks of the Bashkort il, which is located between the Di-m and the upper reaches of the Dzhaik, and the Mamli-Tyubu balik has its center, were the descendants of biy Barmak ... And this balik was founded on Dima by the master Mam-li, exiled here for participating in the "Rook's rebellion". And the son of the cannon master Urum-Mohammed Bulat came here for iron and took the name Mamli in memory of this ... The first of the descendants of Barmak to the post of Ulugbek of the province of Bashkort was appointed biy of black Nogais Kusyum-Birde, who helped Berket expel white Nogais from Bashkortstan. Kusum-Birde fell into the hands of the Russians in 1468, when he tried to avenge the death of Berket. He set up an ambush on the way of the Uruses to Agidel, but the guards A fell asleep and the infidels themselves unexpectedly attacked him and took him sleeping ... The son of Kusyum-Birde Mal-Birde was killed in 1480 by the white Mongyts, who were trying to capture the Bashkort il. The son of Mal-Birde Said-Ahmed was killed in Kazan in 1521, trying to suppress the revolt of the Kazanchis. The name - Said-Ahmed was given to him in honor of Khan Said-Ahmed - a thunderstorm of the white Nogais, and he really terrified the Tatars ... After Said-Ahmed, the Ulugbo-kom of Bashkortsky or his son Begshp was, and now - the son of Benin Alzyam-Birde ...



The Naryk family was entrusted with the duties of governor in the Simbirsk silt, the center of which was the city of Simbir. The first Simbir Ulugbek was Yusuf Paryk, the son of Khamid-Batyr and the grandson of Galikai... Chura-Koch deliberately made Simbir a day's journey from the city pier Simbir Kabak to Idel, and this always confuses all kinds of robbers who mistook Kabak for the city itself. While they were sorting out, guards were being made on the ramparts near Simbir, after which the city became simply impregnable ... And the province's possessions were located in the space from Bula and Bure Pochmaga to the outposts of Saratau and Sarych and on, where they sent the Burtas Cossacks Bek Azak - a descendant of the son of Ablas- Khina bek of Arady-sha. And the descendant of another son of Badri - Burtas-Kamal, who was captured by the Tatars and ransomed by Kashan merchants, I met in Tabriz ... Among the pious deeds of the Naryks, one should include the protection of Ulug Bolgar by his Cossacks, thanks to which the holy city was able to receive merchant caravans and pilgrims ...

In Nukrat, it was necessary to appoint the descendants of Sultan-Mamet and his son Bek-Daud as Ulugbeks, because the local Tarkhans - the descendants of Sadyk, Anbal and Mer-Chura did not want to obey each other, And the first Ulugbek was the son of Bek-Daud Daish-Sultan, then - his the son of Takht, and the last - the son of Takhta Kul-Mamet ... The Nogai horde had to communicate with the seid-emirs through the Vali Yar Challov, which the Vali were very proud of and often called themselves Ulugbeks, and Cheremshan - Yar Ile ...


The whole order of the Ashrafid Bulgar was established by Gabdel-Mumin, who was inspired by the Almighty. At first, like all the children of seids, he bore the title of emir, but it was to him, as the true ruler of the State since the capture of Kazan, that the pious Khan of Kypchak Said-Ahmed sent his friendly congratulations. Khan tried to restore the Kinchak Horde and recognized only the independence of Bulgar. Both rulers were very friendly and at first they jointly crushed the willfulness of the White Nogais, and then turned their eyes to the West, where Moscow submitted to the Crimea, began to send Horde tribute there and stopped paying Djir tribute. Ours besieged several Russian cities, and the frightened Balyn Bek was forced to resume the payment of the Djir tribute. Then Gabdel-Mumin, whom his father gave the nickname Saf-Teke in childhood, ordered the master Mamli-Bulat and Nadir's son Berket to help the khan and go to Moscow together with his sardar Muzaffar Shah. Berket, like other Ulugbeks of Agidel, had the duty to deliver iron to Kazan. For extraordinary zeal in this matter, he received the nickname Timer-Berket, and his brother - Bakyr-Kushtan. During the campaign, both of them tirelessly collected iron in carts specially taken with them. And they left Safar-Balik and in Kul-Balik united with Mamli-Bulat, who took one cannon with him ... intelligence. On the Kuper-su River he was suddenly attacked by Kumanskis Tatars and killed. Berket came here to punish the robbers, but did not find them already, but joined here with Muzaffar Shah and went with him to Balyn. When they crossed the Sterle River, the Moscow Bek himself came out to meet them. But at the same time, Ulugbek Yusuf Nary personally passed through Alature-Balik and rushed to Jun-Kala. The emir did not ask him about it, but Yusuf did it in the name of revenge for the death of Kushtan. This movement caused a real panic in Balyn - after all, the Moscow Bek thought that if Naryk was transferred from the south to the mouth of the Sain-Idel, it means that the emir was preparing a blow to the Djir. He hastily sent the cavalry of Bek Kasim, who had come to his service, to Jun-Kala, and he himself rushed to JTfu. Khana of the Bulgars with cannons - rushed away in horror. The Kyrgyz and ours approached Moscow, and here Mamli.-Bulat set fire to the city with several shots. From this, the whole city burned down, and it remained only to take the stone citadel of the Russian capital, where the Moscow governors, taken by surprise and suppressed by fire, locked themselves up without any supplies. But suddenly Muzaf-far-Shah received news of a conspiracy against Said-Ahmed, and he immediately rushed to his horde to the rescue of the khan ... Ours, left alone, also had to hastily leave home, because after the departure of the Kyrgyz-zov, the Muscovites came to their senses frightened and set out to seize our cannon. At the same time, Timer-Berket, with tears in his eyes, abandoned his convoy stuffed with collected iron, for it was risky to defend it with 800 Agi-Del Cossacks against 20 thousand emboldened Balyns ...

In the Moscow fire, 20 thousand of the best Balyn warriors burned down, and for ten years after that, the infidels gathered their strength and behaved quietly. They resumed the payment of tribute, and the detachments of Said-Ahmed, who fought with the Crimean Khan, only frightened the Russians with their noisy passages near the Balyn borders. But in 1461 Bulgar's ally Said-Ahmed died, and the Moscow Bek began to think about taking revenge on Bulgar. The situation in Turkistan favored this. The new Kyrgyz Khan Ahmad set out to restore the Kypchak and the Russians, fearing the tarap invasion of Moscow, agreed to pay tribute to him and travel for appointments.


Mahmudtek, bypassing the emir, also intended to recognize his dependence on Ahmad, which Gabdel-Mumin regarded as a rebellion, and removed the khan from the post of Kazan ulugbek. The son of Makhmudtek Khal il became the new Ulugbek of Kazan Il, and Makhmudtek himself, who was popularly called Mamadysh, was sent into exile in the balik of Nukrat-Kama or Kermenchuk-Kabak and died there. After that, in memory of him, this pier was renamed Mamadysh. Halil, on the orders of the emir, not only answered Ahmad with a decisive refusal, but also, in front of the dumbfounded khan's ambassador, tore up and trampled the khan's message under his feet. At the same time, an envoy of the Crimean Khan was present, who always avoided clashes with the Bulgars and now decided to conclude an alliance with the State against the Tatars. When all the Kazan Ulugbeks, starting with Khal Il, as a sign of their disdain for Akhmad, spat in turn on fragments of Akhmad's message, the Crimean ambassador joined them, ..

Ahmad Khan, learning about this, went into a complete frenzy and sent the Nogais of Ulakchin to the Bulgar. They laid siege to the Simbirsk balik Shir Dag, named so in memory of the murder of Sardar Batu Shirdag by the Kermeks here, but were utterly defeated by the Shirdags, Simbirs and Kulbaliks who came to the aid. During the battle and the subsequent chase, ours laid down five Tatar biys and three thousand new Nogais in a space of 300 versts. At the same time, the Balyn Bek, encouraged by Ahmad, set out to move to Kazan, but, having received news of the defeat of the Ak-Mongyts and the location of the Crimean Khan to Bulgar from the Crimean ambassador, who arrived from Kazan in Jun-Kala, cowardly turned back.

Murza Daulitek was then the Crimean ambassador. His son, Tyure Azaka Murza Azan, fled with his detachment of 400 horsemen to the Bulgars during Ahmad's invasion of the Crimea and was hired to serve Yusuf. Ulugbek gave them possession of a piece of land near Saratau, where they founded the prison Daulitek. One half of them carried the Cossack service in protecting the border and escorting ambassadors and caravans from Daulitek to the Crimea, and the other was honored to guard Ulug Bolgar in a balik, which they built in a part of the city free from buildings and called the Azak balik, as well as to guide caravans from Ulug Bolgar to Daulitek... This was told to me by a descendant of Azan, Murza Kuchak, whose father left for the Crimea, and he returned to Bulgar...


In 1466, a scandal erupted due to the passage of ships of Russian merchants through Kazan to Iran. The emir accused Khalil of unauthorized violation of the law of Talib on the prohibition of the passage of foreign merchants through the State and put him in a zindan. Khal il saved his head only thanks to the intercession of Yabyk-Mohammed. The emir did not announce a new Ulugbek, but invited Kasim to this service. He did this for the second time. The Balyn Bek found out about the first invitation of the Emir, who wanted to return the Mishar district to the Power by attracting the Khan to his service, and with rich gifts persuaded him to refuse to leave. The second time, the emir wanted to lure Kasim into an ambush and put an end to him, because Ahmad Khan wanted to put him in Kazan as a ruler and even called the Bulgarian state the “Kazan horde” ... Kasim accepted the offer of the emir as a sign of the weakness of the State and moved to Kazan with 40,000 the Russian army and the son of Gali-bey Aidar, whom he wanted to make a seid after mastering the Bulgar. An ambush was waiting for Burat Khan, but our people hurried to get out of it. Kasim had not yet managed to cross the Kara-Idel and fled in horror to Kan, but half of the Balyns, who had moved to the left bank, found themselves surrounded and surrendered at the call of Aidar. Gabdel-Mumin treated the emir's son kindly, gave him an estate near Kazan and the title of emir. And the Emir appointed the son of Mahmudtek Ibrahim as Kazan ulugbek… The Moscow bek was stung by this and, with the approval of Ahmad Khan, started a war with Bulgar. One of his commanders got lost in Kukdzhak and fled from his army, after which it died. Another Moscow governor, Iban, like a burlak, crept towards Kazan at night, set fire to its settlements, and cowardly sailed to Agidel. In this fire, the seid Yabyk-Mo-'hammed suffocated from the smoke. Gabdel-Mumin, who had not previously taken the title of seid out of pity for his father, now called himself both seid-emir and kan... Nur-Daulet Bahadir burned the city of Gusmankatau and defeated the Balyn detachment near Kolyma. Iban, taking advantage of the departure of our fleet to Kolyma, suddenly broke through to Safar-Balik and burned it, after which he sailed to Chulman. Shali's son Amir chased Iban along with the ships of Ike-Imen. The governor, seeing that he would not be able to leave with the army, left him at night, during a halt, and fled with two servants to Dzhuketun. Ike-Imen overtook the Russian ships in the morning and forced the infidels to go ashore and move through the forests to the same Dzhuketun. On the way from Chulman to Dzhuketun, Amir blocked the way for three thousand Iban warriors. He had only 500 Cossacks, but he held out until Bahadir came to his aid. Together they put an end to the robbers, of whom only 200 managed to escape in the wilds of the forest. In memory of this, Amir took the name of Bahadir.


In 1469 already 70,000 Muscovite army invaded Bulgar. The fortifications of the burnt settlement of Akbikul had not yet been fully restored, and the Russians managed to break into it and besiege Yugary Kerman and the Bukhara Court on Bogyltau hill. Fortunately, both fortifications were then connected by walls and withstood, thanks to the valor of the thousandth Chally alay, until the approach of Amir-Bakhadir. Two hundred and fifty Bek's Cossacks distracted the Uruses from Shah-ri Gazan, and when the infidels saw the small number of Kashans, they attacked them with all their might and surrounded Urman-Elga in the balik. It was not possible to defend this weakly fortified balik behind the "Archa kyry" for any long time, but about five thousand soldiers of Bahadir and the son of Hadji Baba - Bek Bayrash, a thousand Cossacks of the son of Kuraish Kadysh and the fleet of Ike-Imen arrived in time. The Russian ships, having seen the Bulgar ones, abandoned their army to the mercy of fate and sailed in horror to Jun-Kala, and the entire Balyn army was driven away from the balik and surrounded in Akbikul, which was twice defeated by it. However, due to their small numbers, ours could not completely suppress the encircled enemies and only wanted to keep them in the ring until the Chally and Simbirsk troops approached. Meanwhile, the Chalyns and Simbirs were fighting the Tatars in Cheremshan ... Ahmad Khan, burning with a thirst for revenge, ordered the Nogais to attack the Cheremshan baliks, but this time they asked for help and preferred to stay behind the Khan Tatars Sup-dyka-bey. Biy laid siege to Kul-Balik with 10,000 of his Uzbeks and 35,000 white Nogays and hoped to quickly make his way to Kazan. However, after the first attack, when the Uzbeks lost 300 people, but did not achieve anything, because the Nogais did not support them, a strife began between the biys, and the matter dragged on. Thanks to this, the son of Timur-Berket Mustafa with two thousand Agidelians, the son of Kusum-Birde Mal-Birde with three thousand Bashkorts, the son of Yusuf Bak Arslan with two thousand Simbirs, the son of Danil Auli with two thousand Cossacks of his Subash districts. It so happened that they took turns approaching the balik, and when the first entered the battle with the Tatars and began to get tired, the next ones kept up and replaced them ... In these continuous skirmishes, the Uzbeks lost 5 thousand, the Nogais - 15 thousand, and ours - 3 thousand fighters. Finally, the Nogais, seeing that things were bad, took to flight. The Uzbeks also had to run after them. The Bulgarian beks were satisfied with this and began to disperse. Auli hurried to Kazan, Mal-Birda and Mustafa - to their provinces, and only Bak-Arslan with 1500 soldiers rushed after the Uzbeks and continuously fired at them in the back. At Kinel, Sundyk was tired of this, and, stopping his own, rushed at the bek. In a fierce battle, ours, having lost 500 Cossacks, finished with the Tatars and. they tied Sundyk, but Bak-Arslan received a mortal wound ... The son of Bak-Ars-lan, Ulugbek Alish, wanted to rashly finish off Sundyk, but when he said that death would be a relief to him due to the loss of all his brothers and sons in battle, he changed his mind and threw him into zindan…


Auli with a thousand horsemen drove up to Kazan at the same time as Urazmet, the son of the Kazanchi Arslan, the Alat Tyure, and the son of the Kazanchik Kaban, bek Yakush, who also had a thousand desperate Kazanchi dzhurs, and Urazmet, in addition, also had 4 thousand Ar chirmysh. It must be said that the Arslan clan came from Balus, and the Kaban clan - from Dzhakyn, and the beks of these noble families never gave way / roads to anyone, except for the seids ... most of all the war of the servants. They were perfectly prepared for war, had the best armor and got everything they wanted, but their lives depended entirely on the will of their kazanchy...

The Kazanchiy was not obliged to personally go to war and could pay off her with slaves, the number of which was equal to the number of soldiers he sent out. Usually Kazanchis were obliged to give from f& 10 to 100 soldiers; inals, tyure or tarkhans, who were sardars during the wars - from 500 to 1000 fighters, but if the Kazanchis could pay off, then real warriors were required from the tyure and no one was interested in where he would take them. Therefore, any inal started several Cossack settlements in his district and recruited fighters from them ... The sight of the Kazanchi cavalry instilled horror in the Russian governor, but he still hoped that the fleet would help him out ... Our guns did not bother him, because Mamli-Bulat shored the core and gunpowder for the Russian attack. But when Musafir's son Gali-Gazi arrived near Kazan with 500 horsemen and attacked the infidels on the move, the master ordered that half of all the cannons be fired at the camp of the infidels. Then everyone else got involved in the matter ... The battle lasted all day and cost the infidels 10 thousand soldiers, and ours - 600 horsemen. The Russian voivode still had 55,000 soldiers left, but they were mainly Kurmysh of the Balyn boyars - brave, but poorly armed and trained. Therefore, when in the morning Ike-Imen sailed up to the Balyn camp and showed the infidels the head of the defeated sardar of the Russian fleet Khalib, the Moscow governor, in complete despair, entered into negotiations with Bek Gali-Gazi. Sardar allowed the governor and four other Russian beks to sail to Jun-Kala in exchange for the surrender of their entire army ...


When the boyars arrived at the camp from Jun-Kala with news of this, the entire army surrendered. And the Power never captured such a huge number of prisoners ... Gali-Gazi was granted the title of Emir with feces, but the titles granted could not be passed on to descendants ... The Russians redeemed five thousand prisoners, and the remaining 50 were either sold to the Tatars and Crimeans, or acquired by Kazan and Ar chirmysh. Gali-Gazi gained especially a lot - three thousand! Of these, he sent 150 prisoners as a gift to his father-in-law, the Seber Khan Tuba, and settled the rest in his Laishevsky district and gave them the rights of Kurmysh. But then, when they began to accept Islam, he converted them into subashis and married them to the Arsk slaves he had bought. And the Arsk chirmysh used the captives in the most difficult community work, because farming, logging and logging, building houses and fortifications, repairing roads and bridges, making ships and boats were a burden to them. Naturally, the Chirmysh themselves quickly died from such a life, besides not having time to leave any offspring, and the Russians coped with this easily, sometimes the Chirmysh exchanged captives for captives or slaves, because the Arams themselves did not have enough women. Ours taught them to live an easy life by selling something, and they willingly traded their girls, maidens and women. And they didn’t even put their wives at the disposal of the guests for the duration of their stay for money ...

In 1470, the captain decided to sack Sarai to settle accounts with Ahmad Khan for his raids on the Bulgar. Taking advantage of the fact that the Nogais were angry with the Uzbeks because of the strengthening of their dominance over them, Gabdel-Mumin sent Aul and Alish with 3 thousand Yarchaly Cossacks to the capital of the Kypchak directly through the Nogai camps. Sundyk-biy volunteered to be their guide, and for this work he received a release in Simbir and a small allotment. In addition, the Kan ordered his Nukrat Ulugbek Takhta to send the Kolyn fleet with good Nukrat shooters to Saray by water, the fleet, in which there were a thousand Kolpsh and two thousand shooters, was headed by a descendant of Sadyk Bitka and a descendant of Anbal Ganikey, and shooters - a descendant of Mer-Chura Baka -Daish... They were moving towards the Sarai nearby, and to Bel-Imen the cavalry galloped along the right bank of the Idel, and then crossed over to the left. The Salchis were the first to burst into Saray, diverted the main forces of the Tatars and allowed the cavalry to enter the city from the other side and occupy it. The Tatars, who did not expect anything like this, were seized by a terrible panic, and they fled to the steppe. At the same time, ours lost 200 salchii, 500 archers and 300 horsemen, but on the other hand they killed 5 thousand enemies and captured an unprecedented amount of goods. All this was loaded into the ships, and since there were not enough of them, people from them were transplanted onto the captured Tatar horses ... On the way back, the Uzbeks and Nogais together tried to block the Bulgars from Kamysh, but ours made their way. At the same time, another 500 of our horsemen, 100 Salchis and 400 shooters, died, but not a single ship with captured goods went to the Tatars ... When the Kan was told the size of the booty, he did not believe it and went out to the ships in Bish-Balta himself ... Most of it went to restoration of Kazan baliks, construction of mosques and a new Kazan wall. Previously, it approached the very shore of Kazan-su, which is why the Russians were able to set it on fire in 1468. Now it was moved away from the shore, and people began to call the ruins of the riverine part of the wall and the tower Iske-Shahar ... The barn was not revived after that. They tried to revive his fair in the new capital of Ahmad Khan, but without success, and all merchants now had to go to Kazan ...

The position of Moscow was very difficult, because in the Mountain War she lost her good cavalry and fleet. When the Kan was informed about the defeat of the Djuns, he immediately ordered to prepare for a campaign against the Balyn next year in order to annex this region, which was restless for the State, to the Bulgar. Having learned about this, the Moscow Bek fearfully recognized the power of Ahmad Khan over himself, and for this he ordered to protect Balyn and give him excellent horses and masters in equestrian combat and equipment to organize a new good Russian cavalry. In 1473, a 40,000-strong crowd of Ak-Mongyts, on the orders of Ahmad Khan, attacked the Bulgars. They managed to take the Bak-Arslan balik, but at Bugulma they met with the army of three Bulgar Ulugbeks - Mal-Birde, Mustafa and Mamli and were defeated. Ours lost 2,000 horsemen, while the Kytai lost 13,000. The captives said that the distraught Ahmad Khan forcibly took away the best masters and 120 thousand beautiful horses from the Kyrgyz and sent them to the Balyn Bek. Then the Kan ordered the Kolins and Ike-Nmen to crush the headquarters of Ahmad Khan, and they did it. He was preparing with his Uzbeks for a campaign against the Bulgar, but after the raid of Ike-Imen he did not dare to leave his possessions ...

Thanks to the help of the Khan, the Moscow Bek revived the 60,000th cavalry and fleet a few years later, attacked Kolyn and laid siege to the city. In case of success of the Nukrat war, Balynets wanted to be freed from the Djir tribute.

The news of this was delivered very quickly - the messengers galloped day and night, and the Kan managed to send Khan Ibragim with the son of Bek Hadji-Baba Bayrash to Nukrat in a timely manner. Sardars appeared at Kolyn unexpectedly for the besiegers, who were preparing for dinner. Seeing the crescents on the staffs of the green and red banners of the Bulgars, the Balyns rushed to flee in horror. Their cauldrons with cooked food remained in place, and our soldiers, tired of the almost continuous race, had a bite to eat with pleasure ... It was impossible to leave this attack unpunished, and Bairash went to Dzhuketun and smashed his district ...



The Balyns, having learned about the departure of Khan Ibragim to Nukrat, organized an attack by the Junts on Kazan, but they were repulsed. The Salchis of Ike-Imen surrounded the Russian ships and forced 8,000 Dzhuns to go ashore, where the Batlik Ars had finished with them.

Having failed in the Bulgar, the Balynets decided to overthrow the Uzbek yoke and preferred to recognize dependence on the Bulgar and resume the payment of the Djir tribute... When the Khan of the Uzbeks went to Moscow, Gabdel-Mumin personally went to the border and stood near it, so that Akhmad or the Nogais would not think of disturbing the State. Auli kap let him go to the Kypchak field, and there, meeting with the Russians, he smashed several khan's convoys with them ... When Auli returned to the kap's camp, he learned that in his absence Gabdel-Mumin felt bad and staggered in the saddle. When the galloping Cossacks picked him up, he was already dead...

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