Bu-Yurgan kitabs. Chapter 7
ODesperate to get help from his own, seid-emir Yusuf in 1524 turned to Moscow with a proposal for the joint expulsion of the insolent khan from Kazan. The Balynets gladly agreed and moved an unprecedented army of 180 thousand people to the city. Having learned about this, the seid gathered the Subash militia and himself moved with him to Kazan. Of course, at another time, the subashi would not have allowed themselves to be persuaded to do this, but then the year was difficult and Yusuf's promise not to take taxes from the families of the militia forced 6 thousand desperate horsemen to go to Kazan. Ismaildan, having found out about the plans of the seid, also moved to Kazan, in order to prevent the Russians from entering it in any case. And the son of Gali-Tazi Tuba, after some hesitation, joined the Kan with 200 of his Cossacks ...
Seid approached the city first, and Sahib-Garay fled in fear to the Crimea. Anticipating such a turn, the Ar Ulugbek Dzhurash-Sadir sent his son Arak to the Crimea to hire a new khan. He hired the young nephew of Sahib Safa-Garay, but did not come to Kazan with him by the arrival of the seid ... Yusuf did not want to storm the city himself and decided to take it with the forces of Russian allies.
In anticipation of the infidels, he demanded the surrender of Kazan from Mysore in order to save the city from destruction. With this message, the seid-emir wanted to justify himself in the event of the defeat of Kazan. Mansur, having received information about the delay in Safa Garay and realizing that he would not be able to hold the city if the Russians approached, decided to kill Yusuf and thereby upset the Allied enterprise. In order to lure the seid into a trap, the emir invited him to Kazan, allegedly for negotiations on the surrender of the city. Sain-Yusuf frivolously went to the fortress, but as soon as he entered Yugari Kerman through the Subash gate, he was attacked by the emir's mercenaries and killed with the dagger of one ak-mongyt. Bek Tuba, who was next to the Kan, finished off the killer with a blow of the sword, but was wounded at the same time and considered it good to escape from the city with the bloody body of the seid on a horse. Tuba himself was saved from death by the grandson of the Seber Khan of Tuba Khan Ubak. The mother of the bek was the daughter of Tuba, and the father of Ubak was the son of Tuba from his younger wife Az-gar... The ancestor of this Seber entered the service of the Bulgar State under the grandson of Kan Azgar Anbal, so he, becoming a Bulgar Ulugbek, took the name of his grandfather as a sign of respect for the Kan Azgar. Since that time, the name of Azgar has been a favorite among the Seber Ulugbeks, who later took the titles of emirs and khans...
Ubak brought his sister Markugash from Seber, whom they wanted to marry as the son of Sain-Yusuf Yadkar Kul-Ashraf Artan. In an unfortunate but predetermined moment for him, he decided to accompany the Kan at his entrance to Kazan and was killed by Kazankhan Kazan…
On the site of the murder, a gurbe of Sain-Yusuf was erected, but since this was done by order of Kul-Ashraf, the people called the tomb "the mosque of Kul-Ashraf" ...
The murder of the seid shocked many, for this had never happened before. Yadkar, in sorrow, decided to postpone his marriage for three years. The excited Kazan people surrounded Mansur with his retinue and demanded an explanation. The emir himself was wounded in a dump by the son of Bek Tuba Yapancha, and this saved him from the immediate massacre of the mob. His son Mamet and son Kugusha Ulan, who had to give explanations, lied to the people that the seid approached Kazan with the aim of seizing Safa-Garay and handing it over to the Russians along with the city, and that the people of the Kan were the first to attack Mansur, who opposed this. The people believed in it and calmed down. Yadkar, learning about this, decided to abandon the alliance with the infidels in order to save his name from such slander. At the same time, he hastened without hesitation to proclaim himself Seid-Emir of Bulgar and decided to wait not far from Kazan for the denouement of the turmoil...
The Russians were already close, but the young Safa-Garay, guarded by Ismaildan, still managed to enter Kazan first. This immediately made Ismaildan glorious, and he was elected as a sardar of the troops of the three western Iles of the Bulgar State. Bek supported the demand of other Kazanchis to proclaim Mansur's son Mamet as a seid of the Kazan and Arsk ils, but, in exchange for this, forced them to recognize Safa-Garay as the new Kazan ulugbek. When this happened, Ismaildan forced the young khan to declare himself and the servant of Seyid Yadkar and resume the payment of Nogai tribute to Challam. Yadkar was satisfied with this. He granted the ulans the right to keep their possessions and went to his Korym-Chally with the bodies of his father and Ubak. The seid-emir ordered his army to prevent the capture of Kazan by the infidels, and ordered the Balyn prince to return his army through Ismaildan. Then the Russians approached and, having learned about the death of the seid and the natural end of the alliance, they wanted to turn back, but the Moscow uluby ordered them to take Kazan and by this he revealed his true intentions and treachery ...
The infidels had many Alman, Altynbash and Baylak gunners, who quickly located the large cannon that most annoyed them and directed all their fire at it. Old man Biktimer inadvertently led the shooting from it and was killed on the spot ... Then several Alman and Baylak warriors managed to crawl up to the Arskaya wall at night and set fire to it ... But the Russian governor hesitated. In the rear of the infidels, the Cheremshans began to beat, and he was dissatisfied with the fact that after the break of the alliance, he still had to fight alone with the strengthened enemy. In addition, he was afraid of losing his cavalry and gunners in case of failure, for the Moscow uluby considered this to be the greatest crime. Therefore, the governor was in no hurry and did not support the unauthorized breakthrough through the burnt wall of the dandies who served the Russians. Biktimer's son Baygara managed to drag a big cannon to Aidar-Muncha and repelled the Almanians and Baylaks with shots from it... After that, the Kazanians quickly restored the burnt section of the wall...
But then came the order of the Ulubiy to storm Kazan, and the voivode was forced to begin preparations for it. One hundred thousand infidels approached the walls ... To the joy of the commander, however, soon the news came that the fleet of the son of Syungil Amat and the chirmishes of the son of Agysh Mamysh-Birde had defeated the Russian fleet and a caravan with food on Kara-Idel, and the sardar of the infidels immediately canceled the assault and continued more safe siege. Nevertheless, the Kazanchi militia managed to draw the Russian cavalry into the battle and destroy its best part ... And when the news spread of a new movement towards Kazan of the Cheremshan army, led by Yadkar himself, who returned to the army, the voivode retreated with a light heart ...
And indeed, the fact that Balynets lost 30,000 soldiers at Karag-Idel, 60,000 Uruses and 2,000 francs during the siege of the city during the coordinated sorties of Kazanians from the city and the attacks of Ismaildaia and Agish from the poskin in the Arsk forest - Ulubiy did not consider it a big loss, because retained the cavalry and foreign gunners. And our losses were as follows: Utyash and half of the Chalyn subashes who fought with him on the Zyuya and Kara-Idel lost 7 thousand fighters, Ismaildan and Agish - 2 thousand subashes, 200 Cossacks and 3 thousand Kipchaks and Crimeans, Mamysh-Birde - 4 thousand Ar chirs -mice, 90 murz and 800 of their people, Kazan - one thousand Cossacks and 5 thousand militiamen - only 23 thousand and 90 people ... Of the nobles, we lost bek Agish, who died of wounds, and Shehid-Ulan ... And ordinary people, they say, are Russians killed up to 300 thousand people ...
When the Balyns began to leave, delighted Kazanians showered infidels with ridicule, and refugees from nearby auls arranged jiens with sacrifices to Tangra on the occasion of getting rid of an unprecedented misfortune... Five thousand merchants who had taken refuge in Bukhara Yorty deployed their goods and began a brisk trade... People, especially young people, they were having fun and dancing, as if intoxicated with wine ... And Maryam, who was known as a enchantress, ran out onto the wall and from it began to lament over her murdered husband and curse the Russians. At the same time, she tore her hair and clothes and scratched her face ... And, you see, people were not afraid of her for nothing - the retreating Russian army was really seized by pestilence, and, they say, 20 thousand infidels died in it from a black disease ...
In addition to the joy of victory for all those who lost loved ones in the war, the greatest delight was the stories about the valor of the Bulgar bakhadirs. So, it was said about the young bek Mamysh-Birda that he first recaptured Seber-Kala from the Uruses, and then approached Sundyr and found a caravan with food under the protection of the Russian fleet. The infidels slept carelessly, because they believed that this district was captured by their ulubi ... Seeing this, the bek attacked the Balyns on the move and killed 10 thousand enemies. When his warriors were already tired of swinging their swords and began to retreat, Utyash arrived in time and, attacking from an ambush, beat another 7 thousand enemies. Three thousand Balynians tried to escape on ships, but Amat suddenly swam out across them from Alat-su and sank ...
And during the siege, Atalyk distinguished himself, who was considered the first Bulgarian pakhlevan. So, it was said that at the Sabantuy in the Tsar’s Meadow he defeated Aman-Bak himself, the grandson of Mamli-Dauli, the son of Tuba, in a wrestling duel, and he was considered an invincible fighter ... to the crossbar of the field gate - at a distance of more than a chakrym from him, and no one could do the same ... But the bek especially liked fights with military spears, and here only Ismaildan was his equal ...
When a passage opened in the wall and Baygara had not yet had time to drag the cannons here, Atalik alone rode out against a hundred francs and struck down their sardar with the first arrow. The Frangs were timid, and a thousand Russian horsemen were ordered to take out the body of the dead. But Atalyk rode out to meet them and with well-aimed shots forced them to flee. Then the Russians sent another thousand soldiers ... and shouted that let the bek try to grapple with their invincible hero on spears. Atalik agreed and, in a collision, pierced the infidel through and through ... Only when all the francs went on the attack and Biktimer dragged the guns to the hole, the glorious bek gave way to the cannonballs ...
The people enthusiastically greeted the seid-emir, who victoriously rode into Kazan on horseback. Safa met him on his knees, in front of the city gates, and walked his master to Yugary Kerman…
Ordering to begin the construction of a new mosque in memory of the brilliant victory over the infidels, Yadkar Kul-Ashraf left for Echke-Kazan, and from there to Korym-Chally, where he liked to stay most of the time ...