Bu-Yurgan kitabs (Kazan tarihi)

Bu-Yurgan kitabs. Chapter 10

FROMbecame the ardar of the forces of all three western ils with the support of Arak and with the consent of Chura-Yanchur. On behalf of his ils, Yanchura recognized Yadkar as the only sovereign of the Bulgar State and paid the Challas "Nogai" for all the years of the rebellion. When Safa arrived in Kazan, when the Kazan Ulugbeks ascended the throne, he swore to be loyal to the seid Kul-Ashraf and to consult with Bek Yanchura in everything ...

On the advice of the Sardar, most of the lands of the murdered Murzas in the Khan's part of the Kazan Il were transferred to the Cheremshan Cossacks, thanks to which the army received excellent fighters. At the insistence of Yanchura, the khan was also forced to reconcile with Chura, but in his heart he still retained a grudge against him for his past shame. Yanchura begged the seid to give the widowed Syuyunbika as a wife to Safa, and the bika was quite pleased with this, for the khan was a real man and fell in love with her passionately ...

Only the conduct of the war, as it might seem at first glance, Yanchura handed over to Safa and Chura, but he himself led it at decisive moments, which is why the people, who knew the real owner of the case, called it by his nickname - "Ismaildan's war" ...

This war was hard for Bulgar, however, the State could not reconcile with the treacherous capture by the infidels of Naratlyk, Modzhar, Mukhsha and Uchkuy in the upper reaches of Chulman because of the impossibility of ensuring the security of the country without the possession of these areas and survive this humiliation. Of all the inhabitants of the Bulgar, only the Aryan chirmysh was war only a pleasure, because it, and even the hunt, fed them, and because, according to the concept of the Ars, all sins were forgiven for killing enemies, and everyone killed in the war was immediately taken under the protection of their deity and received a rich estate and many wives and pleasures in paradise...

In this war of Ismaildan, 73 thousand Arsk chirmysh, 30 thousand Yuldash, 17 thousand Cossacks of all provinces, 10 thousand Kazan and Simbirsk Murz and 270 Kazanchis, biys, Tarkhans, batyrs and Yuzbash perished ... Ours killed 300 thousand Balyn warriors and captured 100 thousand prisoners . At the same time, the ghazis cleared the previously captured Bulgar lands between Sain-Idel and Sura-su, between Batlik and Ar-Galij and in the upper reaches of Chulman from the infidels. The complete victory was close, and the Balyn Ulubiy had already secretly sent Ambassador Dzhurga Bulgak to Kazan with a proposal to return all the Bulgarian lands with the cities of Kolyn and Jun-Kala and resume the payment of the Djir tribute in exchange for peace with the State, when suddenly the shaitan found a loophole in the soul of Safa- Garay and inspired the khan with vain pride and the disastrous idea of autocracy. As if forgetting that, despite all his courage, he would not have won any of his battles with the Uruses and would not have become famous without the advice of Yanchura, the ungrateful khan decided to overthrow dependence on the Sardar and proclaim the independence of the Kazan Il from the Challs. Chura, whose province was tired of the war, decided to support the khan and join him with his il in exchange for the khan's promise to stop it and declare him the sardar of two provinces. In addition to him, 2,000 Kazan murzas and 500 Kazanchis decided to support Safa in exchange for a promise of peace, and 10,000 Nogai, Seber, Astrakhan and Crimean yuldash - in exchange for the promise of service allotments. At the same time, the participants in this conspiracy were preparing to deceive each other if it was successful. Chura hoped to eliminate Safa and put in his place his friend Shah-Gali, whose sister he was married to, but Safa wanted first of all to attract Mamet to his side, and then put an end to Chura and transfer his province to his young son Bulyak-Garay ...

In the winter of 1545, Safa-Garay, instead of going on a decisive campaign against Jun-Kala, suddenly rushed to Echke-Kazan with 15 thousand Simbirs, Murz and Yuldash and laid siege to it. 15 thousand inhabitants lived in this city, and in its citadel of Archa-Kale there was a thousandth Cossack Alai of the Ar Ulugbek Arak. Yanchura was at that time in Archa, where he collected taxes from the Bulgarian Kara-Chirmyshs and Subashes. Among them, there was one runaway Cossack and half-educated shakird Galikay, nicknamed Chirmysh, who came to the sardar and boldly declared to him: “Oh, son of Ismaildan! The money that you have collected for a worthless war, it is better to direct it to the needs of widows and orphans and to alleviate the lot of the people. Yanchura ordered to seize the impudent one, but he, having scattered the guards, broke free and raised an uprising of the Igencheis in order to achieve the abolition of extraordinary extortions from the Kara-Chirmysh and Subash and the transfer of the Bulgar Kara-Chirmysh to the category of Subash. The rebels, holding high spears with scrolls attached to them with the “laws of seid Mohammed-Gali”, overlaid Yanchu-ru in the Archa balik to the delight of Safa-Garay. Khan, in turn, laid siege to Echke-Kazan and demanded that Ulugbek Arak extradite Mamet in exchange for leaving the Arsky il, threatening, otherwise, to burn and plunder the estates of local Kazanchis. Seeing that the proud Ulug-bek did not intend to give in in the hope of Yanchura, the khan ordered that the captured Sardar messenger with a written request of Yanchura for help be let through to Archa-Kala on purpose. The uhlans then became thoughtful and forced Arak to extradite Emir Safa. Satisfied, the khan immediately left for Kazan, and the Ulugbek began to suppress the uprising of Galikai. However, the indignant Igenchei, even before the approach of the Kazanchi militia, managed to take and destroy the Novaya Archa balik. Yanchura barely managed to break out of the city through the dense crowds of angry and burning with a thirst for revenge insurgents. The Kazanchis pushed the Igenchei away from Archa and several other cities of the Arsky il, but they were not able to completely suppress the uprising and capture Galikai. Chirmysh, with a detachment of well-trained and armed insurgents, quickly moved from place to place and was elusive for Kazanchis, who were hard on the rise ...

The frightened lancers turned to the seid with a humiliating message in which they begged Yadkar to help them and even agreed to the destruction of the special rights of the il. But the seid, although he himself needed the help of the Arsky il in the fight against the rebellious khan, proudly answered the Kazanchis: “The laws of Islam forbid such dependence in which you keep your igenchis, and condemn the unimaginable luxury with which you surrounded yourself in this earthly life. Obey the law of Almysh on the right of transition of Kurmysh and Kara-Chirmysh to Chirmysh and Subash in case of adoption of Islam, abolish illegal emergency taxes -~ and I myself will turn to Mulla Galikay with a request to stop the bloodshed.”

The Kazanchis refused to lose a significant share of their wealth. Some of them, led by Yanchura, hoped to fight off the Igenchis on their own, but the majority, led by Arak, decided to make an alliance with Safa in exchange for his help in the fight against Galikai...

The rebellion of Safa-Garay took Yadkar by surprise. Later, the seid bitterly told me: “It seemed to me that only one day separates me from the joy of victory over the Moscow ulubiy. But the next day I experienced the most intense humiliation. Truly, the Almighty reminds us of his unlimited power over the destinies of the world, when people in their earthly affairs begin to exaggerate their own role "...

To all the other troubles of the seid, the betrayal of the sal-chibashi Ak-Balyk was added. The admiral, in exchange for a large reward from the khan and allotment of land in the Simbirsk silt, took his fleet from Agidel to Kazan. It was Yadkar who remarked: “Litigation destroys the state just as unbelief destroys the soul.” […]

Meanwhile, Ak-Balyk had to go to Uchkuy, which was again captured by the Russians in the winter. Yadkar gave the order to create a new fleet, but the infidels got ahead of ours, and their fleet proceeded unhindered from Uchkuy to Kazan in the summer of that year ...

This transition was caused by the fact that the Russian Ulubiy Alasha ordered to take advantage of the Khan’s turmoil and seize Kazan ... The Russian fleet from Jun-Kala suddenly appeared near the city and landed 7 thousand infantrymen, who attacked the Khan’s genie camp on the Goat Meadow on the move ... Safa seized the people taken by surprise a terrible panic, which led to the needless death of 3 thousand murzas and yuldashes under the sabers of the infidels. The khan himself ran ahead of everyone and was so terrified that, having taken refuge in Shahri Ghazan, he ordered that no one be allowed into the fortress ...

Fortunately for the Kazanians, the Uchkuis were late, and the Balyns did not have enough strength to attack. They retreated, and when the fleet arrived from Uchkuy, Ak-Balyk arrived from Simbir and destroyed it ... Nevertheless, the Russians, who were on the verge of death, were already cheered up by the victory over the khan, and in the khan's camp the conspirators began to settle scores with each other. Safa, wanting to wash off the filth of a shameful defeat, falsely accused the people of the seid of it and executed the son of Agish Ihsan, who was loyal to Yadkar. Part of the Bek's possessions near Kazan was transferred by the Khan to several Murzas. This aroused the indignation of some Kazan kazanchis, which Chura took full advantage of. Rightly suspecting Safa of the intention to falsely accuse himself next time, the son of Mal-Naryk appeared in front of Kazan in 1546 with one and a half thousand Simbirsk Cossacks and announced: infidels." The Kazan poor, who hated the khan and the Tatars, opened the gates of the inner baliks to Chure and rushed to beat ... all the Kypchaks in a row. This time, the wall did not block their way from the settlements on Bogyltau, to Shakhri Gazan, and the ill-fated hour overtook the Tatars. Five thousand murzas and yuldashes were killed by the rebels in the most ruthless way, together with the khan's judge Bulat.

Khan himself barely managed to escape through the gates of Mir-Gali to Ak-Balyk's ship and sail to Astarkhan - to his father-in-law ...

Chura immediately brought to Kazan and placed on the throne the Ulugbeks Shah-Gali, who arrived at his request from Khan-Kerman. Despite the relationship, the smart khan tried to go into the service of the seid and sent a secret ambassador to Yadkar. He had not yet returned, when now Safa-Garay appeared at Kazan with 2 thousand Astrakhan and Nogai Kytais and a daring intention to take the huge city. He went to him through Laish, because the grandson of Gali-Gazi, the son of Tuba Yapancha, sympathized with him ... The Cossacks of Chura and the Kazan militia, who supported the Simbirsk Ulugbek out of dislike for the Tatars and Safa, fired several volleys from the walls ... at the Kypchaks and forced them to abandon the attack. Hoping for the help of the Archans, the Kypchaks began to wait for them near the city, but Galikai arrived instead of them and, after a fierce battle, forced the Kypchaks to flee to the steppe. The rebels got a huge convoy of 5,000 carts, 3,000 camels and 10,000 horses, which greatly strengthened and glorified Chirmysh and his army. Delighted by the disgrace of his old enemy, Shah-Gali sent an ambassador to the Igenchi sardar with the question: “What do you want?” Galikai replied: "Wills for the oppressed." Khan remarked to this that he could only give free rein to the Igenchey of the Khan's part of the Kazan il. Galikai agreed: "All right, free at least the Kazan igencheis - and I will support you." Shah-Gali signed a decree with a light heart, according to which, according to the law of seid Mohammed-Gali, he allowed 40 thousand igenches of the khan's court, 40 kazanchis and 1200 murz to pass into the category of subashes. Galikai immediately went to the Mountain side, where he was immediately joined by 6 thousand Bulgarian Kara-Chirmysh and 12 thousand mountain Ars and Serbs. All of them converted to Islam and were transferred by the khan's officials to subashi. The Serbians liberated from dependence were so pleased with this that they began to call themselves the “Subash people”, like those black Ars who were recorded in Ak-Chirmysh and called themselves the “Chirmysh people” ...

Kazanchis and Murzas tried to oppose the release of the Igenchis, but they killed 20 Kazanchis and 800 Murzas, and the rest were either expelled or delivered in chains to the Khan. Shah-Gali wanted to let them go, but his djurs from the Modzhar Bulgars, out of hatred for the Tatars, slaughtered all the murzas ... Mamet, fearing that the shadow of these events could fall on him, fled in horror to Alat to his accomplices gathered there from among the "betle Tatars" headed by the son of She-hid-Ulan Kildibek and with the son of the Tatar judge Hyp-Gali. These scoundrels, to whom more and more Cossacks began to join, planned to transfer the Kazan il into the hands of the Urus Ulubiy. In exchange for this, he promised to grant judicial power over Muslims to the Emir, transfer the lands of the enemies to the “Betle Tatars” and make the Alatians Russian boyars ...

The same Kazanians, who wished to preserve the independence of the Kazan il under the rule of the Crimean khans, were headed by Bek Bibarys. His father was the famous Dana-Ryshtau, a descendant of the Seber Khan Daniyar ... He spent several years in the Nogai Horde, and then came to Kazan and became famous for his valor in protecting it from infidels. His son Bibarys, named after the Sultan Misr out of dislike for the Tatars, was tall, of a heroic build and had a red beard, and really hated the Kipchaks so much that the Murzas were afraid to get in his way. It was he who pierced Hyp-Gali's father through, pulling the spear out of his hands...

Taking advantage of the fact that Yadkar could not force the son of Gali and the daughter of Mal-Naryk ... Mohammed to go to take Kazan from the hands of Shah-Gali, Bibarys called Safa-Garay to Kazan and, with 200 Kazan and Ar Kazanchis, galloped to the capital of Il from his fortress Sayf -Cool. Shah-Gali, not wanting to face the Arsk Cossacks, hastily left Kazan. Chura had to leave with him, for all his hopes without the khan collapsed. Galikai ferried them through Kara-Idel under the nose of Ak-Balyk, who did not want to get involved with the rebels. The frightened Tazikbash people opened the gates of Kazan, and the satisfied Bibarys entered the city, in which not a single Kypchak Murza remained. Safa-Ga-rai soon arrived, but then an unpleasant hitch arose: to raise him to the Ulug-bek throne, Ashrafid's permission was required. Then Syuyumbika, with a tearful letter, summoned me from my aul Bu-Yurgan to Kazan, where the aged Sheikh-Kasim proclaimed me a seid and gave me the opportunity to appoint Safa Kazan ulugbek on behalf of the Ashrafid house. I endured all this performance only for the sake of my precious Syuyunbika, whom I could not refuse such a trifle ... At the same time, I warned the khan in a friendly manner about the need to settle the conflict with Yadkar in order to avoid all sorts of complications, but he did not heed this advice. Moreover, Safa immediately executed Ulugbek Churu and Kadysh, who fell into the hands of Bibarys, thereby placing himself outside the law. Khan tried to improve his position by war with the infidels, but without Yanchura his actions were pathetic and unsuccessful ... Moreover, in the winter of 1549, when 100 thousand Russians suddenly appeared near Kazan and besieged it, Safa again shamefully took refuge in the Khan's Court and the city was saved only the courage of 4,000 Kazan militiamen and Kavesians and strikes against Ulugbek Arsky Il besiegers from the Arsk forest. Helping the khan out of hatred for the infidels, Arak tried after that to take Kush-Urma. He took and set fire to the settlement and, in anticipation of the end of the fire, spent the night in a suburban village. Unfortunately, he, like Aman-Bak, despised the infidels so much that he did not consider them capable of a night outing. But those, when ours grew numb and fell asleep, left the citadel and killed the Ulugbek right in his tent... Ours were able to eventually recover and beat the attackers, but without Arak they did not dare to continue the campaign and returned... On the unrighteous path, dishonorable people became friends of the khan . So Hyp-Gali got the place of his father Bulat in exchange for the transfer of his palace to Safa ...

The Crimean and Azak yuldashi of Safa did not fight against the infidels, but inside the country. They failed to capture Simbir, whose new ulugbek, Chura's brother Islam, was helped by retreating to Simbirsky il Galikai. Then the Crimeans decided to profit from the Tarkhannaya part of the Kazan silt, and Safa asked the Kazan Kazanians to share the good. Bibarys donated half of his possessions, the son of Kazanchie Ulan Kulay - a third, and Yapancha - a quarter. But this was not enough for a horde of 6 thousand Kipchaks - not all of them managed to get service or yasak possessions and become murzas at least for a while. Therefore, they moved to Alat, anticipating an easy capture of the lands there. However, the "Betle Tatars" - at the cost of ceding several auls to Mamysh-Birda - received his help and, in alliance with his desperate Cossacks and Kara-Chirmysh, completely defeated the Crimean Kypchaks. Wanting to sweeten the bitterness of defeat for his yuldash, the khan asked Yapancha to increase the size of his donation. Bek this time refused and, together with Islam, joined the ranks of the supporters of the seid. Both, wanting to make amends to Yadkar, promised him to end Safa if they received his forgiveness. The seid forgave the beks, and their people soon poisoned the khan. Upon learning of the death of Safa, Yadkar said: "By the will of the Almighty, he himself pronounced a death sentence on himself." But even faster than his words, his army reached us - a thousandth detachment of the son of Gali Mohammed, who immediately occupied the mountain. Bibarys withdrew to his fortress, and the Crimean sardar Kuchak joined the Cheremshans with 4,000 yuldash. I personally went to Kul-Ashraf in Korym-Chally to ask him to appoint Utyamysh-Garay, the son of Safa and Syuyunbike, as Kazan Ulugbek and transfer power in the silt to Ilchi-bike Syuyunbike until he grew up.

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