Ghazi Baraj Tarihi

Ghazi Baraj Tarihi. Chapter 2. Idel in the reign of the Khon kings

FROMThe yn of the Khon Kan Alyp-bi with a corps of Bulgars and Khons crushed the Sadumians and forced them to flee to Altyn Vash and Rum. Then Alyp-bi with his Bulgars, who experienced a lot of trouble in Azerbaijan from the Rumians, crossed the Sula and defeated the 80,000-strong Rum army near the city of Dere. The Rum Kan Balyn fled to his palace, but was surrounded and burned by the Khons, who thus dealt with the leaders of the enemies. When the palace burned down, Alyp-bi rode into the ashes and discovered the Kan crown. He took it and brought it to his father, who called himself Kan, but died suddenly at a feast on the occasion of the victory. Alyp-bi became the Kan of the Khon power formed in Saklan and rested at one time on Mount Kuyan-tau or Kuk-Kuyan. 14 Before his death, Kan-Dere, as he was also called, ordered to put on his grave a huge sign of the Dulo clan - “Baltavar”. And it looks like this: Ψ, where the sign 1 marks the ax, and the sign w indicates the bow. These items were considered by the Bulgars as symbols of royal power. At the burial site of Kan-Dere, the Uruses settled, revering him for the defeat of their enemies - the Sadums, and formed the village of Askal. Alyp-bi was also revered by the Bulgars, for under him they became the ruling people of the Khon state. Pretty soon, part of the Khons formed one tribe with the Bulgars, which adopted the name of the Bulgars and the Turkic language of the Khons. The main clans of the Bulgars are called Erdim, Bakil or Boyandur, Seber, Agachir, Kharka, Utig, Chimer…

The grandson of Alyp-bi, the son of Aibat, Kan Atille Aibat, nicknamed Audan (Audon) Dulo, went against the Almanians and farangs because their king poisoned his wife, the sister of the Kan. Having defeated the strongest Alman tribe Galidzh so that part of it fled across the sea Kuk Dingez to the islands of Sadum and Galidzh, Atille laid siege to the capital of the farangs Altyn Vash at night. It got its name from the golden domes of its houses. But in the morning the sun rose, and the sparkle of the golden roofs blinded the Bulgars. The frightened Bulgars fled away, not understanding the road, and after that their influence was shaken. Atille, whom the Ulchians called Myshdauly, died during the retreat in the land of the Almanians, and the state fell apart.

Three sons of Atille, three brothers - Illak, Tingiz and Bel-Kermek, together with the Bulgars and Ulchis, fortified against the farangs in the camp, but were defeated. Illak fell in battle, and Tingiz and Bel-Kermek with the Bulgars received the right to leave the camp. They went to the mouth of Buri-chai and along the way they lost Tingiz, who was killed from an ambush by the Galidjians. When breaking through this ambush, Bel-Kermek for the first time ordered to raise the red banner of aces with a crescent on the shaft as a banner. From Bel-Kermek came the genus of Bulgar kings, who were called either Kans or Baltavars, because the word "Baltavar" acquired the meaning of "leader".

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