Ghazi Baraj Tarihi

Ghazi Baraj Tarihi. Chapter 8

Athaving calmed the country, Abdallah began to persuade Almysh to organize a new embassy to the Arab sultan. Kan refused for some time, not hiding his resentment at the Sultanate for not sending previous embassies, but suddenly he was paralyzed. Again everything shook, and the biys began to gather to talk about the future king. Since the seid Sheikh Hasan himself, as well as Byrak and Marjan, clearly spoke out in favor of raising Mikayil ibn Jafar and even openly called him a Baltavar, the position of this prince became preferable. However, Almysh, frightened by the illness, which Abdallah declared the punishment of the Almighty for the unwillingness of the Kan to send ambassadors to the Sultan, agreed to the trip of the Tebir to Baghdad and immediately felt better. The biys, who were indebted to the Kan and the Tebir, immediately crowded again near Almysh's yurt, and everything calmed down again. Ghazan, greatly frightened by the possibility of losing the throne, this time agreed to write letters to the Samanids for the Tebir with a request to let Abdallah pass to Baghdad through Khorasan. With the letters of the Kan and Hasan, the tebir left for the sultan... This time Bek Nasyr... achieved that the sultan agreed to send the Great Embassy to Almysh with a letter containing the text of the prayer for the Almighty to send prosperity to the Bulgar state and the victory of the Bulgar army in the holy war against the enemies. The outcome of the case was decided, as Abdallah said, by showing Sultan Nasyr evidence of the struggle of Bulgar with the infidels - the armor of Hud and the sabers of Khakan Alan, which the tebir carried on himself. This made such an impression on the Caliph that no precious gifts could have made ...

In 922 Abdallah returned to Bulgar with the Great Embassy of the Caliph. His chief ambassador was Razi, and his secretary was Ahmed, a descendant of ...

Many mullahs, craftsmen and merchants arrived with them, who wished to explore the possibilities for their activities on the spot.

And the conductor of the embassy caravan was Balus Bukharai. Kan met the embassy very solemnly and was especially pleased with the green banner of Islam sent by the caliph. It was immediately attached to a pole with a crescent at the upper end, and since then it has been raised in the case of the Kan's performance in a holy war against the infidels ... All participants in the embassy received generous rewards. Many of them remained in Bulgar and laid the foundation for the famous Bulgar clans. Among them were Dzhakyn, Barys, Balus and Ahmed, close to Almysh. Akhmed kan appointed Bulgar as a seid under the name of Menly Bakir, which caused strong indignation of the former seid, the venerable Sheikh Hasan. The mullah tried to find support in the person of Hasan, his disciple, but the prince had already secretly agreed with the new seid on mutual support. Offended, Sheikh Hasan went over to the camp of supporters of Emir Mikail ibn Jafar, even before the arrival of the embassy, in 921, outraged by the Almysh law on the removal of hats by non-Muslim biys in front of the kan and deciding on another attempt to raise the more tolerant Mikail to the throne. It was then that the Burtas and Kuman army of Khazaria rebelled, overthrew Arslan and put his son Modjar in place of the bek. Modjar, whose mother was a Modjar, had long been striving for omnipotence in Khazaria and directly declared to his like-minded people: “Something my father sat on the throne for a long time. I am already an old man, but he still does not want to give up the rule to me "...

Having chosen the moment when Arslan sent Ugyr Lachyni, loyal to him, with Karachais, Kasheks and Saklans against Salahbi, Modjar rebelled and captured Itil. Ugyr took Bashtu away from Salahbi, and he fled to Jir, but Arslan lost power and fled to Samandar, where he told the local Burdzhan Bulgars: “Help me, because I am from the Urus clan, in which there have never been ... Jews and who has always defended Muslims !" The Samandars decided to save the bek, and when the Khazar Kumans approached the city, they put up stubborn resistance. The Cumans nevertheless took the city and killed Arslan, after which Modjar evicted the Djurash Burdjans to the desert Kumyk. From that time on, they began to be called Kumyks in this area ...

Ugyr, becoming the master of Bashtu, first of all married the captured Uljay. Upon learning of the overthrow of his master and benefactor Arslan, he became very angry and declared himself an independent Urussian bek. When Modjar sent officials to him, he told them: “From now on, I, like the Ak~Bulgars, will pay tribute to the Khazar beks only for the protection of our border, and nothing more.” And Ugyr sent his ambassadors to Bolgar with such speeches to Almysh: “I heard, brother, that you are torturing the adherents of our old Bulgarian faith, to which I belong. Take care, for I have already become an independent Urussian bek and am able to help my co-religionists!” […] And I must say that after the defeat of the Khazars near Sulcha, Byrak, together with Marjan, captured the city of Kan-Murdas, and ours began to collect tribute from the entire region between the Jir and the Aka River. And in this area there were a lot of bees, and therefore it was called Kortdzhak. The collection of tribute was carried out by the descendant of the Bulgarian bek Mar, the merchant Sain. The Anchian subashes, who in Bulgar received the right to pay only a strictly defined and moderate tax to the state for their occupation in shipbuilding, made several ships for Sain, and he sailed on them to Kortdzhak from Bolgar.

And the head of the Bulgar Anchians master Karadzhar, who, for going to the Bulgar together with Almysh, received the honorary nickname Karadzhur from the Kan and was the founder of the Bulgarian house of Karadzhur, always sailed with Sain for the forest and other goods he needed. Only once, in the spring of 922, Karadzhura did not go with Sain, and he was treacherously killed by the then rebelling Murdases. Sain's daughter Gulasma went with Karajar and severely punished the killers. Kan ordered in memory of Sain to name the river Aka Sain-Idelyo, and to transfer Kortdzhak into the possession of Gyulasma. Therefore, the river flowing in the middle of this region was called Gul-Asma. Murdases from the tribe of murderers were moved to the river Nerle, which, out of contempt for them, began to be called Sasy-Idel. This river flows into the Gul-Asma, and on it the son of Karajar Balyk set up his camp, which is now the city of Balyn. And Balyn married Gulasma and became a co-owner of her lands. Together they began to engage in shipbuilding, harvesting and selling timber, honey, wax, furs and made up one house of the Karajurs. Their son was Sain, named so in honor of his grandfather, and his son was Kulbak, named so in memory of the Kulbak origin of Karadzhura. The son of Kulbak Balta founded the camp of Balta in 1003 for his own affairs. At the same time, he sailed together with Tebir Shahidulla to Bek Djira Barys with a proposal for duty-free trade of Bulgar merchants in Rus' in exchange for part of the Djir tribute. Barys warmly supported Shahidulla and himself went with him to Bashta to ask for permission from Father Bulymer. Bulymer willingly signed a letter of such permission, for he was burdened by the “girschinka” that was humiliating for him ...

And the eldest son of Balta bought the village of Archa in the land of the Archans and called himself Archamysh. After that, the village also began to be called Archamysh ...

And in 964, the Murdases offered Ugyr's son Barys to help them seize Kan, for which they promised to pay tribute to Basht. Barys first took the Jir from ours, and then sailed to the Kan and took possession of it. Talib Mumin, wanting to involve Barys in the Khazar war, ceded to him the western part of Kortdzhak to Balyn, but the Eastern Kortdzhak from Lok to Sain-Idel remained with Bulgar until 1164...

So that the house of Karajurs would not be left for nothing, Talib handed over to him, instead of Balyn, part of the lands along Kara-Idel and Nukrat-su. Therefore, the son of Archamysh, Dzhurash, nicknamed Urdzhum, founded the village of Urdzhum on Nukrat-su ... And the son of Dzhurash Aslaj, who donated a lot of money for the construction of Uchel and himself participated in this matter, died in it during the raid of the Galidjians in 1111 at the age of 41 ... His son Mar-Kaves carried Abu Hamid Garnati in 1135 on his ship, when the mullah was traveling through Kan and Kisan to Khorysdan...

His son Tetesh, nicknamed Balyk... His son Nuretdin... His son Taham... And the daughter Tetesh... was the wife of the master Dair...

I remember that Taham had a son, Torai, with whom he sailed to me in Saray with timber and slaves for the construction of the capital of the Kypchak Horde. One day, at his request, I told him about the past of the Manguls, and he was very surprised that the Manguls call the Kypchaks and Turkmens "Tatars". "How so? - he asked. “After all, at one time the Tatars killed the father of the great khan, for which they were completely exterminated, then the Tatars were called any rabble hired by the Manguls from non-Manguls, and now Batu orders to call the Turks loyal to him with this abusive word for the Manguls?”

I answered him that the word "Tatar" after the destruction of the Tatars began to mean among the Manguls "suicide bomber", "dead" and that Genghis Khan, when conquering Chin, quite naturally ordered to call non-Mangul mercenaries doomed to death in battle with this word. But during the division of the empire of the great khan, misunderstandings arose between his descendants, and Batu, offended by the transfer of the poorest lands to him, ordered, in spite of other khans, to call his subjects the hated manguls with the word "Tatars". As for the Turks, for them the word “Tatar” means only “mangul” or “mercenary of the Yanguls” and therefore ...

To this, Taham told me with the greatest irritation that these and those donkeys have everything topsy-turvy, and his little son laughed and began to repeat: “Turkey-overturned” (“at bash syer ayak”). And this laughter of his, and these words constantly sounded in my ears when I wrote my story. And when I recalled the greatness that the Bulgar State once had, I shed tears and consoled myself only with the fact that everything that happened happened by the will of the Almighty and that the Creator still treated his Bulgar people quite mercifully. And I especially felt this when studying the events of that time, when this greatness was only in its infancy and arose only thanks to the intervention of the Almighty. For example, when the message of Ugyr Lachyn reached the biys, they immediately gathered in Bulyar and declared: “Since Almysh makes us take off our hats when we meet him, we will no longer go to his inheritance and will choose a new Kan - Mikail. And if the old kan tries to bend us by force, we will directly turn to Ugyr for help.” The biys called Mikayil to them and promised him the throne in exchange for the preservation of their liberties, but the emir chickened out and did not come, for which he received the nickname Yalkau ... Almysh immediately announced the liquidation of the old beys Bershud, Esegel, Marjan and commanded their biys - Byrak, Askal and Marjan to come to him for new appointments. At the same time, he appointed the son of Julut biy Tatra as the Ulugbek of the new province (gubernia) of Tamta, located between the Chishma River and the Uraltau. And in the middle of this region flows the river Tamtazai, which gave the name of the province (il, vilaet)... The Bis refused to obey and began to expect an attack on the Bulgars by the Bashkorts hired by Bek Modjar, in order to raise their new protege, Marjan, to the Bulgarian throne with their help. At the height of the "War of the Biys", the Great Embassy entered the country. Warned by the Kan, Balus managed to lead the embassy caravan past the fortifications and the rebels' patrols and meet with the Tatra detachment sent to meet them. When the embassy reached Bolgar, Almysh hugged Abdallah and, sobbing, informed him of his desperate situation. Tebir immediately suggested that he announce the recognition of the Marjan region as the "Marjan province" and leave it to the emir. Kan immediately did this, and Marjan came to him with an expression of fidelity. He said that Bek Modjar appointed Yusuf as Khakan, and imprisoned Alan in zindan. Dissatisfied with this, the Burtas biy ... decided to join with his region to the possessions of Marjan. Kan allowed this, and the emir's possessions expanded from Dzhegula (Zhiguli) to Saratau. In Zhiguli, the beautiful city of Bandzha was built, which instead of Arbuga became the center of the province, and the whole province was called either Mardzhan, or Bellak, or Mardzhan-Bellak ...

The arrival of Marjan in Bolgar shook the ranks of the rebels. At the same time, Salahbi sailed to Bolgar from Djir to participate in the campaign against Itil planned by the Kan. This strengthened the position of Almysh, but both he and the Tebir did not dare to resort to weapons in the fight against the rebels. And then Ahmed intervened in the matter, already in the capacity of a Bulgarian seid. “You are slowing down, even though the rioters are stronger now, and they can get ahead of you,” he told Jafar. “But our laws prohibit fratricidal wars,” Almysh noted. “When it comes to the struggle for the faith, this is not taken into account,” the seid objected, and he succeeded in writing a firman declaring holy war against the infidel rebels. Abdallah persuaded Mikayil and Marjan to take the firman to Bulyar, where the rebels had already built a rampart and fortified themselves. The appearance of both princes at Bulyar completely confused Askal, and he allegedly left to gather new forces in his Sulcha. In fact, he decided to come to the Kan with a confession, which he soon did. Delighted by this, Almysh, on the advice of Abdallah, announced the abolition of the law on hats and the forgiveness of the rebels who surrendered without a fight, which caused unrest in the Bulyar camp. Seeing the precariousness of his position, Byrak left Bulyar and surrendered to the Kanian sardars - Dzhulut and his son Tatra. Fearing that Byrak would consider it humiliating to surrender to the Tatra alone and would prefer to resist, Julut himself arrived at Bulyar.

The calculation turned out to be correct: when the biy saw him and heard from him an oath promise to spare the rebels, he drove out from behind the rampart. The "War of the Biys" is over...

Almysh, who was preparing for a war with the Khazars, forgave the rebels for the need for their troops. But then something happened that upset the whole thing.

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