Ghazi Baraj Tarihi

Ghazi Baraj Tarihi. Chapter 12

ATtheft, however, happened on other roads, but especially often - on Artan-yuly or Gereb yul, walking from Bulgar to Artan through Dzhir and Galidzh ... In 925, Ugyr Lachyni himself went out to robbery and took Dzhir with a sudden attack. This robbery was so egregious that Almysh himself, despite the winter cold, went to Jir to restore order there. When the Kan approached, Ugyr fled, leaving a strong detachment in the city. The governor of Jir, the son of Karajar Salman, expiating the guilt for his carelessness, or rather, gullibility, did not burden Jafar's jur and recaptured Jir himself.

The remnants of the garrison fled from the fortress to a mountain located near the city, and decided to fight back. However, ours did not bother with a senseless assault and only surrounded the mountain. The next day they calmly climbed to the top and found the bodies of the frozen Balyns and Galidzhians on it ...

On the way back through the dense forest, a huge bear suddenly attacked the Kan and, before the guards killed him, inflicted deep wounds on Jafar. Despite the efforts of the tabib, Almysh bled to death and died. He was buried in the Bulgarian balik Gulistan, which he himself named in memory of his beloved daughter...

The ulans raised to the throne Gazan, who was called both Hasan and Kazan (925-930). The reign of this Kan was, as Mohammed-Ghali stated in his Khon Kitaby, "a real disaster for the country." True, Yakub called Gazan a saint, but it was rather out of pity for him...

First of all, Gazan began to distribute the lands of the Serbian and Ar Kara-Chirmysh to his djurs in hereditary possession. These Igenches were called Kurmysh, and their masters, in memory of Gazan, were called Kazanchis or Lancers. When the demands of the ulans increased, the Kan began to distribute to them the Kara-Chirmysh and Chirmysh auls of Echke Bulgar or Bulyar Yorty, whose population was still in paganism. (non-Moslem—Translator's Note). And he did it with the blessing of seid Ahmed Bakir (son of Ahmed ibn Fadlan? — Translator's Note), who became the first adviser and friend of Gazan. Yakub-kazy claimed that Ahmed came from the house of Barmaki and that in 737 the Burdjans converted to Islam from the hands of Hammad Barmaki, who headed the Sultan's embassy to the Khazar Khakan (Bardjil - Translator's Note. Hammad's son was Yahya, his sons were Ja'far and Fadlan. Jafar was the vizier of Sultan Harun ar~Rashid, but was slandered by envious people and executed. After his death, his brother Fadlan became the mentor and educator of the descendants of Jafar, and the father of the seid Bakir therefore received his name. And the son of Jafar was Hammad, his son was Rashid, his son was Abbas, the father of Fadlan and the grandfather of Seyid Ahmed ...

With their cruelty, Ghazan and Bakir strongly turned the people against themselves. Many Igenchei then fled to Bellak. Kan wanted to return them, but Balus firmly declared his determination to comply with the law on the non-extradition of the Bellaks to anyone, and Gazan retreated. True, he first tried to remove the emir with the help of the Mardan biys, who were suffering damage from the settlers, but Balus called for the help of the Badjanaks and, in the end, extinguished his indignation by transferring to the biys a part of the Subash tax from the newcomers Igenches. Several biys, however, fled to Ghazan, and the Kan satisfied the complainants by transferring their Simbirsk district of Mardan to Nur-Suvar. Balus, in turn, had to come to terms with this ...

The discontent of the Igencheis who remained in Echke Bulgar resulted in a rebellion by Byrak and his son Bel-Subash or Bul. Being a katavyl of Shepshe, Byrak could not stand the persecution of his former chirmyshs and, together with his son, raised an uprising in the summer of 925. Their demand was a return to the Almysh order and the removal of Bakir. Byrak himself fortified in Shepsh, and Bel - in the Bulyar menzel, of which he was the defender. However, the Nur-Suvar Ulugbek Askal and Julut's son Tatra-Ahmed remained loyal to Gazan. The latter was married to the daughter of tebir Abdallah, but could not resist the loyal pressure of his Tamtai biys, who were allowed by the Kan to take the Kara-Chirmysh tax from the fugitive Igenchis. Dzhakyn, also the son-in-law of the tebir, escaped the temptation to join Byrak quite by accident: luckily for him, Tukhchi, founded by him and subject to him, managed to be occupied by the fleet of Khum, which arrived from Djir. It was rumored that the Kan instructed the Salchibashi to finish off the dangerous pretender to the throne in any case, but Hum spared Jakyn as a relative of Abdallah. The fact is that the Djir biy was filled with gratitude to the tebir who saved him - after Ugyr's raid on Dzhir - from the wrath of Almysh...

Squeezed from both sides by Nur-Suvar Kazanchis and Tamtai biys, the rebels surrendered without a fight, except for a small skirmish near Bulyar. The culprit of this dump was Bel-Subash. His mother was the daughter of Bat-Ugyr Khadich, from whom he inherited the heroic strength of Mumin. Bat-Ugyr was short, but broad-shouldered and iron-bodied, and Bul was exactly the same. But Bel Subash differed from the good-natured and restrained Mumin by his incredible and almost unrestrained willfulness and impatience. His father dreamed that he would be engaged in trade or a craft, but Bul, of course, did not have the patience to deal with this most glorious and, at the same time, laborious business, and he preferred service. The attraction to the service was also explained by the influence of the mother, who loved military amusements and fearlessly rushed into bloody fights at military training camps. But the rumor about her heavy spear quickly spread throughout the country, and there were few hunters to measure strength and martial arts with her. They say that Mumin dreamed of a son all his life, but Allah did not give him one, and his dreams were embodied in his daughter Hadich and made her similar in character to a man. Byrak won her heart only by defeating her in a duel...

Bel-Subash refused to surrender to Askal and demanded that Tatra-Mohammed accept his surrender. Unfortunately, Askal refused him even such a small amount, and then Bul alone broke through the ranks of the Nursuvars to Shepsha, where he surrendered to the Tatras.

Kan was not averse to finishing off the masterful biy, but he and his father were saved by the intercession of Tatra-Mohammed. Nevertheless, the biys and their people were punished by being sent to the construction of Bulyar. They built a citadel in the same year, but Gazam ordered them to pour a new rampart and build up the space between it and the citadel ...

"Punishment" also befell Mikail. Seeing in every conspiracy the intrigues of Yalkau, the Kan sent him as an ambassador to Baghdad to the emir of all Muslims and offered to perform the Hajj. Tebir Abdaldah considered it good to leave with Mikail ...

The year 930, according to Mohammed-Gali, was a famine, and by winter the situation of the people became completely unbearable. Everywhere the kapa tax collectors roamed and took the last supplies from the people. The Chirmyshs, on the other hand, were completely weary at the endless construction of Bulyar, and even the always restrained Byrak reached the last degree of despair and exclaimed: “Oh, Tangra! If you punish the tormentor-kan, then you will show me that the Islamic faith is true, and I will accept it! Someone informed about this, and the bey, together with his son, fearing execution, fled to the Mountain side. Here they heard the news about the campaign against the cap of the son of Mardan Hadash or Haddad and immediately supported him by exterminating the Bilemchis in their district ...

Mardan was the son of Djilka and Murdaska, and the mother of Haddad was the Burtas bika Leklek, so he enjoyed the love and trust of both our Burtas Bulgars and the Ulchi Murdas, who were called Batyshs. And this word came from the Sabanian word, meaning "west", because after their flight from Bulyar, the Murdases settled to the west of the Sabans ...

Haddad was very proud, and when, after the death of Mardan, the Bellak biys offered him to lead them, he refused and said: “If I take any throne, then only Kan”. In the autumn of 930, when the indignation of the people with the rule of Gazan reached the limit, he considered it a convenient moment to seize the throne and moved from his station Kubar or Khorysdan to Bolgar. However, he failed to cross the Idel at Arbuga due to the actions of the Huma fleet, and he retreated to Burtas. In winter, Gazan already moved on him, but Haddad with his closest djurs went to the Batyshs. Those, struck by the splendor of the clothes and weapons of the emir and his warriors, chose Haddad as their bey. In memory of his flight, Haddad called himself Kachkyn, and his clan began to be called Kachkyns or Haddad. He named his capital, built on the model of the Burtas cities, after his last Bulgarian refuge - menzel Khorysdan. And Haddad Kachkym himself and his descendants were dangerous for the rulers of Bulgar and Rus', as princes of the Dulo house and, therefore, applicants for both thrones, therefore, both of them spared no effort to eradicate this Bulgar dynasty. For a long time Batysh's inaccessibility saved the Kachkyns' house. However, in 964 Barys took Kan from them, and in 1088 the Cape Batysh took the Kisai region from Batysh. Finally, in 1112, Bulymer-Karak took Khorysdan by storm in revenge for the shelter given by the Kachkyns to the Sharykhan Kumans, and left only a small part of Kortjak to the last descendant of Mardan, Haddad-Shamgun. Even earlier, in 1088, in this district, Ahad Moskha set up the fortress of Moskha with the permission of Batysh-Shamgun ... Then the son of Haddad-Shamgun Kuchak decided to flee to Bulgar ... and also received the nickname Kachkyn. Kuchak had sons Yakham and Aslan from the Saklan bika and a daughter Banat from the father. The Balyi bek Khay-Tyuryai married her and had a son, Kinzyaslap, from her. Yakham remained in the service in Balyn, and Aslan left for Bulgar, to his uncle, the Saklan biy Batyr. Here he organized a farm engaged in the extraction and processing of stone. Aslan himself carved inscriptions, patterns, plants, animals and people on a stone, as if on wood, made balbals, and they were as if alive. When Kinzyaslap, the eldest son of Bek Khan Tyuryay, died from wounds received in Bolgar during the war of 1164, Khai-Tyurayai begged Aslan to come and decorate the funeral temple of Kinzyaslap near Balyn with stone carvings. Aslan forcedly agreed, and then only because Kinzyaslap was his nephew ... Then he went to Bulymer to decorate the main city church with stone carvings. And his son Yakham, named after Uncle Yakham, decorated the temple in the Balyn town of Dzhurgi and in ... And his son Abarkham, who was a member of the El-Khum order and gave a lot of money to maintain this brotherhood, was killed by ulans near the Bulyar church " Nishan”… Fearing the desecration of his father’s grave, the son of Abraham As allowed me to transfer his remains to Bulymer, from where Aslan once left for Bulgar…

And the descendants of two more sons of Haddad-Shamgun - Islam-Batysh and Baitugan - lived in Bulgar. They moved to Bulgar, unable to bear the humiliation, and were engaged in trade here in the northern lands of the State. Batysh initially traded east of Biy-su, on the Shegor River. And at first this river was called Ursu. But when he was going there, other merchants - Shimalchis or Chulmans - began to express their doubts in the success of his enterprise with mocking smiles. Then the offended Batysh argued with them and promised them in reproach to smuggle not only himself, but also a live cow to Ursa. He called the cow in Khon - shegor. Islam generally liked to include Khon words in its speech, showing its erudition, which touched the mullahs, on purpose, in order to separate itself from the common people, who had crammed Khon words that were already incomprehensible to the people in the madrasah.

And this custom of the Burdzhan mullahs was approved by seid Bakir, who kept the swagger of the Persian nobles all his life. Kan Yalkau tried to stop this business, evicting from Bolgar all the mullahs who spoke “Burdzhan”, but they moved to Nur-Suvar and continued to teach in the old way. And among the people, the expression “Burdzhan tele” began to mean “distorted speech”, and therefore the Bulgars who spoke with the Badjanak accent of the Tamtai or Bashkort Bulgars were called “Burdzhans” ... But, thanks to Islam, one Khon word “shegor” survived in the North, because it is all he did take his cow alive to the Ursu River, and from that time they began to call her Shegor-su ... And his son Gusman traded for Biy-su and therefore received the nickname Shegor, but then it became crowded here, and he, immediately after joining Power Tubdjak, went even further. Then, on his first trip, Shegor reached the Idzhim (or Ishim) River and named it after his son. And this Oimek river received the name of the famous Seber or Modzhar Khakan Idzhim, the father of Baiikort, after whom the Sebers began to be called Bashkorts. On this river was the favorite headquarters of the Oimek khans, and they say - also of Ijim himself - Kyzyl Yar. The area here is really very picturesque, I saw it with my own eyes when I went to Bagh in 1232. And then I drove here through Dim, Agidel, through which I crossed at the mouth of Sterle, Miyas, Lake Chubar-kul, the fortress of Chilyabe, where iron was mined and where everything mined in the Urals was brought to Bandja and Bulyar, the Tub River, which was also called Sob, Sobol and Tubyl…

On his second trip, Gusman reached Chulym-su or Chulm&sha, having passed Ishim Artysh along the Surkhot crossing, Oymsk-su or Yam, after which the northern Kyrgyz began to be called, Baigul above the mouth of Chulym. All this way ours began to call Chulymsky or Chulmysh-yuly, as well as Khon-yuly and Hot-yuly. Ijim named his son Chulmysh after him... And there the merchant learned that from Chulym along Baigul-su, the Chulmysh people get to the Seber people of the Baiguls and went there. Along the way, he gave names to the rivers and marked them on birch bark. After the mouth of Chulym-su, Gusman passed the mouth of the river, which he named Katy. He gave the next river the name of his uncle Baitugan, the next - the name of the Tamtai river Dim, the next - Bag, because he dreamed of a garden near it, the next - Akhan ...

Soon after that, they met with Baitugan and Ulugbek of the Bulgar province Baigul Tarkhan Bulum. Bulum said that he had already agreed with the Ulugbek of the Bulgar province Tubdzhak Kurgan on the common border of both provinces. It ran from the Baitugan River to a place on the Tubyla between the mouth of the Ishim and the Tamyan-su River and then went to the upper reaches of the Asad River, named in memory of the merchant Asad who died here during the reign of Yalkau. And the descendants of Assad, who accompanied Mikail on his trips to the East, owned the extraction and transportation of most of the metals and precious stones mined in the Urals. The Assads owned houses in Bulyar, Bolgar and Nur-Suvar, but their main house was the menzel Sterle at the mouth of this river. From there, roads lead in all directions…

And the border between the Bulgarian provinces of Ura and Baigul went along the Sobol or Bai Gul, and then, almost reaching the mouth of the Tubyl, also went to the upper reaches of the Asad. The eastern border of Baigul captured the lower reaches of the Yeni-su River and the camps of the Toima and Dyudi peoples, from here it went to the river, to which Baitugan’s son Taz-Umar gave his nickname Taz and at the mouth of which he founded the Menkhaz fortress, from its upper reaches to the lower reaches of Katy-su, from them to Baigul-su...

The meeting place was very convenient, and Baitugan ordered to build a fortress here. Since 50 people from Baitugan and the same number from Gusman arrived at the meeting place, it was decided to name it Surkhot (“One Hundred Huns”) ... And the whole journey from Bolgar to Chulym-su takes about three months, but although ours call it in joke “Eber-Jeber” is not as burdensome as it might seem, because the Oimek Kyrgyz are probably the most hospitable people in the world, and camping in their camps is very pleasant.

And the whole way - from Bolgar to Chulym-su, from Chulym-su to Surkhot and from Surkhot to Bolgar - was called the "Far Road". If they wanted to travel from Surkhot to Bolgar, they would start from this fortress on Baigul-su to the mouth of the Khonta River. The path from it was guarded by the Khonchi Sebers, which is why it was called that. From Khonta we went to the menzel Bulym at the confluence of the rivers Bulym and Tauda, from here - to the menzel Laj-su at the mouth of the Laj-Uba river. On this river, the merchant Laj-bai, the father of the merchant Asad, somehow got lost, and almost went along it to the Kuk-Suzbai River instead of going to the Suzbai River. And both rivers received the name of the father of Kush, the first bey of the Khonchis, who subordinated the Khonchi regions of Bershud and Ur to the Bulgar Kan Dzhilki. The Khonchi guides misunderstood Laj and took him to the wrong Suzbay. In memory of this incident, Khonchi biy Mal named the river after Ladzha. And from Laj menzel they went to Suzbai menzel on the Suzbai River, from it to Tura menzel on the Tura River, from it to Tagyl menzel on the Tagyl River, founded by the son of Malabiy Tagay. From Tagyl we drove to Chilbya-su, on which was the menzel Kungur, which in the Khon language meant "Accommodation yard". And from here we went along Chulman and Agidel to Bolgar ...

From Surkhot they also traveled to Menkhaz, and from there to the Yeni-su River, where the Dyudi and Toima peoples live. And the bees and toims of Kasan and Kulyan came to Gabdulla Chelbir and even fought against Syp-Bulat. They said that behind their land was a huge forested region of Dingez. It got this name because behind it there is an endless sea, on the shore of which the tribesmen of the Khons, the Imens, live. The biys said that they were closer to this sea than to the Bolgar, but this path is incredibly difficult and few dare to travel along it. In addition, their people do not want to go there because, after the departure of the Khons, the Imens were enslaved by the cruel Menkul people and therefore are in the most miserable state. This tribe used to worship the kind multi-armed deity "Menkul" and therefore was pious and received his name. But then he accepted Christianity and became vicious. And they also said that it was a great happiness that they obey the Bulgar or, in their language, the Var, for the Menkuls fear the Bulgars and therefore do not cross the Dingez forest...

And when I read and heard all this - along with stories about fights for the sake of mastering the throne, I was always surprised at how a small skirmish in Echke Bulgar reflected on the state of our entire vast State from Kumyk to Dyudi. So in the winter of 930, the fate of the empire was decided in an insignificant clash between a handful of subashes and Kazanchis ... in the Ulem district, where Gazan came from Burtas to punish Byrak and his son. The requisitions and violence of the tsar's ulans restored all of them without exception. The Kan's dissolution of most of his ulans to ruin the rebellious district completed the matter. This was careless and caused general outrage. Having learned that Gazan with a few djurs was located in an aul not far from the rebel camp, Bul came out of his hiding place and attacked the Kan at night. The rebels were unusually loyal to their leader because he declared them subashes. They mercilessly slaughtered the surprised lancers and decapitated Ghazan himself before Bel stopped them. Since then, this aul, and then the city began to be called Shongyt ...

Having received news of this, Mikail, who was already in Bandzha, went to Bolgar and was immediately raised to the throne. Abdallah, who took the post of vizier, suggested that the Kan return to the Almysh legislation and avoid clashes with the Igenchei-Bulgars. Yalkau took these advice into account, but preferred not to quarrel with the Kazanchis. By his order, all the Igenchis of Inner Bulgaria were declared subashes, of which some had to pay taxes to the state, while others - for the maintenance of 20 thousand djuras of the three provinces of Bulyar. The Nur-Suvar and Bulgarian lands on the Mountain side, inhabited by Serbian and Ar pagan Igenches, were transferred to the Kazanchis in hereditary possession. Only some parts of Mountain Bulgaria, captured by the Bulgar Igenchis, were declared Subash and Chirmysh regions. The Kan declared to the indignant Kazanchis of Echke Bulgar that if they resisted the reform, he would leave them face to face with the Igenchis, and they involuntarily obeyed. Bula Yalkau forgave and appointed the Bulyar fortress, which he built together with his father, as a katavyl, since Byrak, having converted to Islam and the name Amir, soon died. Out of respect for his father, Bel-Su-bash also adopted Islam and the name Nuretdin. He quickly completed the work and, in his old age, misled his children with a story about the origin of the name "Bulyar" on his behalf ... So Mohammed-Gali wrote from the words of Bek Gazan - a descendant of Bul ...

Abdallah, satisfied with the reforms, dedicated his dastan “Kisekbash” to the Kan, which was also called “Kisekbash kitaby”. Bakir, as Tebir wrote, treated Mikail with undisguised hostility, and therefore Kazanchis from everywhere flocked to the seid with complaints. Despite the fact that the Kan ordered all the Alpars (knights)-Bulgars to cut off their scythes as punishment for the death of Ghazan and severely suppressed the Serbian and Arsk rebels who joined Bel and were declared responsible for the death of Hasan, Ahmed ibn Fadlan nevertheless declared him "king of the pagans" and at a secret meeting, he called on the Kazanchis to put a more worthy person at the head of the state. There were rumors that he was not averse to establishing his own son Nasyr or himself on the throne, and even ordered the minting of coins with the name of a kind of Barmak. Askal's son Kermek reported this to Mikail, and he immediately came to Nur-Suvar together with the detachment of Bek Amir. Faced on the bridge with one of the Kazanchis, the son of Julut Akhmed, who did not want to give way to him, Bel-Subash threw him into a ditch and struck terror into the hearts of all the nobles. After this, the uhlan, who became limp after this, began to be called Aksak-Ahmed. Mikayil rode directly on his horse into the Hyp mosque. Seyid shouted for the Kan to leave the mosque immediately, and when he refused, he hit his horse with a whip. Bul with his Bulyar dzhurs, who hated Kazanchis, immediately twisted the seid and, by order of Yalkau, threw him into a zindan in a horse harness as punishment for insulting a horse. There, the ill-fated Bakir was mockingly fed hay, and soon died. Some of the Nur-Suvar merchants who supported the seid were evicted by the Kan to Razi-Suba, and the Mardanians began to mockingly call this city Suvar...

Internal affairs did not allow Mikail to be attentive to external affairs, and Modzhar managed to appoint the son of Almysh Mal as the Bek of Kara-Bulgar instead of Ryshtau, loyal to Bulgar. However, then the son of Abdallah Mamli went to Khorysdan and persuaded Mal to the side of the Kan. Threatening to squeeze Khazaria from both sides, the old man Abdallah obtained Modjar's consent to pay tribute to the Bulgar and receive the Kan's ambassador, his son Mamli.

This alarmed the Khorasai emirs, who were striving to take Khazaria into their own hands. In order to annoy the Samanids, Baltavar demanded that they stop collecting duties from the Bulgar merchants, and when he received a refusal, he ordered to collect the same from the Khorezmians ...

In 943, Mikail sent the Djir Ulugbek Huma with a fleet to Gurja, and in this campaign ours defeated Itil and Alaberde. But the Kan did not wait for the return of the fleet, becoming a victim of his passion for the holidays. Mamli, who continued the "Khazar tarihi" of his father Abdallah, notes that Yalkau was a participant in all folk amusements and amusements. In November he went to watch the plucking of geese. In December, he and the guys stormed the ice "Girl's City", in which forty girls defended themselves, led by their "queen", and even fought in duels. On Nauruz, he celebrated kargatuy, in April - sabantuy, after sowing - chillek. In jien, he climbed into the water and quarreled with the girls, like a teenager. In the August yangyr botkasy, he led the sacrifice of a white bull, the first to eat a white fish and again douse it with the girls. In the autumn, after the harvest was gathered, the main taxes were paid, the Kan arranged a kyzlar echkene near the Bolgar in honor of the offerings from the wedding organizers. And in 943, having drunk on such a kyzlar echken, Yalkau decided to participate in the race. At full gallop, his horse stumbled, and the Kan fell and crashed to death. There have been various discussions about why this happened. Some - because the cap sat on a white sacrificial horse, which, out of pity for him, did not sacrifice in jien. Others - because Mikail ordered to kill seid Bakir in a horse harness ...

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