Jagfar tarihi

Historical maps compiled on the basis of the Jagfar Tarihi data

Historical maps compiled by I.M.-K. Nigmatullin based on data from "Dzhagfar Tarihi" and a family tree prepared by F. G.-Kh. Nurutdinov (insert)

Eastern Europe in the 15th - first half of the 16th centuries
Screenshot: Eastern Europe in the 15th - the first half of the 16th centuries
Bulgar state in the 9th - early 13th centuries
Screenshot: The Bulgarian state in the 9th - early 13th centuries
Bulgarian State in the 9th - 13th centuries Composite map
Bulgarian State in the 9th — 13th centuries Composite map
Map of cities in the central part of Bulgaria in the 8th - 16th centuries
Screenshot: Map of the cities of the central part of Bulgaria in the 8th - 16th centuries
Map of cities to the west, north and east of Echke (Old) Bulgaria in the 8th - 16th centuries
Screenshot: Map of cities to the west, north and east of Echke (Old) Bulgaria in the 8th - 16th centuries
Map of the Bulgar Ancestors
Screen: Map of the Bulgar Ancestors
Genealogical tree
Screenshot: Genealogical tree prepared by F. G.-Kh. Nurutdinov

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