Sheikh-Gali kitabs

Sheikh-Gali kitabs. Chapter 3

FROMeid Khusain was enraged by the atrocities of the infidels in Kazan, but could not do anything then, for Galikai and the Alat thieves helped the Russians. Alasha, using this support, was able to return to Moscow with 50 thousand soldiers, and left the rest in Kazan and Churtan. He did not fulfill his promise, and his officials began to rip off the Igencheis no worse than the uhlans and murzas. Then Galikai recognized the power of the State, killed the Balyn tax collectors and united with Yanchura for a war with Moscow. Mamysh-Bir-de immediately laid siege to Churtan. Seyid immediately sent Sary-Bakhadir, the son of Atalik, to help Yanchura, and Ahmedg Bahadir to join Mamysh-Birde. The boyars came out against ours both from Kazan and from Churtan, boasting that they were going on a fun hunt. Therefore, this war was called the Hunt War. Yanchura pretended to retreat to Biektau, where he finished off the 800 Russians and 1200 “Betle Tatars” who were pursuing him. Mamysh-Birde and Mohammed-Bakhadir also retreated from Churtan to Simbir and easily finished off 1,500 Balyns, 2,000 Alat thieves and 3,000 Chuvashs who had rushed after them. Alasha, having received news of this, was horrified and wanted to withdraw the remnants of his troops from Kazan and Churtan, but one of his advisers kept him from doing so with the words: “You promised the Christian gods to exterminate all the Bulgars to the last and give their lands to the boyars and ordinary warriors and now you cannot retreat without incurring the curse of our gods and the wrath of our warriors.”

Then Alasha sent a large army to the Bulgar, and it fought until 1554, destroying everything in its path. Both Galikai and Yanchura fell in the fight against the infidels. Then Ulubiy left his garrisons in the captured Kazan and Arsk cities, but they were killed after the departure of the army by the Igenches, who were led by Galikai's assistant Tash-Mohammed. And he was one of the shakirds of Yadkar and miraculously survived the battle near the madrasah. Everywhere he carried a piece of stone from the wall of the mosque "Mohammed-Alam" and when he prayed before the battle, he put it next to him ...

And one of our traitors, Shamai, the fugitive Cossack Yapanchi, fought for the Uruses. He was the guide of the infidels when they went against Yan-chura and Galikai. Tash-Mohammed tracked down the traitor and, seizing him with his heroic hands, tore him apart like a kid. He had 10,000 desperate brave men, but Alashi's second army of 20,000 Russians and 40,000 Tatars still knocked him out of Echke-Kazan. The Uruses, terribly afraid of Tash-Mohammed, refused to stay in the captured cities, and then the boyars placed Alat thieves and serving Tatars in baliks. Those, the infidels, believed that they would receive the Bulgarian lands from the Russians for this, but the Mujahideen of Tash-Mohammed came again and immediately put an end to them. Two thousand surviving Alats even rejoiced at this, for they expected to appropriate the lands of the murdered murzas. When the third army of the infidels again knocked out Tash-Mohammed from Echke-Kazan, these "Betle Tatars" settled in the taken Arsk cities and began to fill the district with their outrages. The Mujahideen slew a thousand of them, and another was slaughtered by the Igencheis themselves. Such was the miserable end of the Alat thieves... And the good fellows of Tash-Mohammed said that they would no longer be Igenches until they had killed a hundred thousand enemies. When asked why this was so, they replied: “In the winter of 1553, the infidels drove one hundred thousand Muslims—mostly old men, women, and children—into a wild forest and froze them there. We have seen the bodies of the unfortunate, and our hearts will not thaw until the enemies choke in the streams of their own blood.

The fourth army of Alashi again knocked out Tash-Mohammed from the Arsky il, and he retreated to Kashan. Seyid-Emir Khusan declared his Mujahideen to be his Cossacks, and sent 2,300 Nogays of Biy Yusuf, who had come to his service, to Mamysh-Birda with an order to declare their Biy a new Kazan ulugbek. Bek boldly drove up to the capital and, in view of it, proclaimed the biy an ulugbek. Alasha went into a complete frenzy upon learning of this, and ordered his fifth army of 15,000 Russian and 35,000 Tatar Kipchaks to take Challi. Tash-Mohammed held out in Kashan until the last opportunity and gave up his balik only after he had only a thousand soldiers left. With them, he went to Challi, and Seid-Emir Khusain ordered everyone to leave through Yar Challi. in Ufa. Tash-Mohammed remained to defend the capital and after a week of fighting at night secretly left it with 200 of his own. The Tatars rushed after him, but at the Yar Challs they were attacked by the Yarchalys and the Agidels who came to the rescue and cut down to a single man. When the Uruses approached, many Yarchaly residents did not leave for Ufa, but remained to defend their balik. The boyars outwitted the defenders, ordering their Nogai biy to enter the city. When the Uruses feigned retreat, he appeared at the palisade and pretended to be a mercenary seid-emir - and indeed, he was the brother of the Kazan Ulugbek. Ours believed and opened the gates, which allowed the Nogais to take them and let the Russians in through them. The Yarchally people rushed over the wall into the field, but drowned in the snow and were quickly overtaken. Satisfied with this outcome of the case, the boyars sent the prisoners to the construction of a Russian fortress on the site of the destroyed Laish balik.

The sixth army of Alashi then invaded the region of Mamysh-Birde. The Kypchaks of Majit fought sluggishly, and the Subashes and Chirmyshs, irritated by the extraordinary exactions for the maintenance of the mercenaries, took and drove them out ... Step by step, the Urus pressed the bek and did not leave him alone until, finally, he crossed the Kara-Idel and did not go to Simbir. Altysh Naryk, hoping that by obsequiousness to the Russians he would keep il under his rule, treacherously seized Mamysh-Birde and handed him over to the infidels. The boyars promised him help against the troops of the seid-emir of Bulgar, but they deceived him. When Mohammed-Bakhadir approached Simbir, the boyars who were near him deliberately retreated into the field and allowed the Cheremshans to take and destroy the city. Mohammed, after the defeat of Simbir, frivolously moved on, without reconnoitering the area, and fell into an ambush of the boyar. True, most of the Cheremshians managed to escape, but their sardar was captured ...

Alasha then already planned a war with the Artan Almantsy in order to obtain booty, which he did not receive in Kazan. Ulubiy's adviser tried to persuade him to wait and finish off the State, but he, inflamed by the stories of ambassadors and defectors about Artan's weakness and wealth, forgot about everything. By order of Alashi, the ambassador Shah-Gali traveled to Ufa and offered the seid-emir peace with Moscow in exchange for blessing the participation of the Bulgar beks in the war with Artan on the side of the Russians and paying tribute in grain, cattle and furs. Husain agreed. The hunting war ended, and 10 thousand Bulgars, led by the liberated Mamysh-Birde and Ahmed-Bakhadir, moved to Artan as part of Shah-Gali's army.

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