Sheikh-Gali kitabs

Sheikh-Gali kitabs. Chapter 4

PAfter the first successes in the war with the Almanians, Balynets ordered the Kazan governors to finish off the rest of the Bulgar beks. They invited the Beks and Cossacks to Kazan who wanted to get land in the Russian part of the State or who had claims against Moscow. When the beks and Cossacks entered Kazan, they were placed in the Kuraishev balik and in the morning they were all slaughtered while sleeping. Among the dead was the Agidel Ulugbek, the son of Almat Enei-bek ...

In Artan, ours fought so valiantly that they received many awards from the Moscow ulubiy. And Ahmed-Bakhadir, who captured the Almansky bek, was recalled to Moscow with 5 thousand of his own in 1569 to protect Alashi himself from the boyars who rebelled against him. Seyid-Emir Khusain was greatly indignant at this and ordered the Sardar to return to the State, but Ulubiy persuaded him to stay in exchange for a huge salary. In 1570, the corps of Mohammed Bahadir participated in the campaign against Galidj and defeated this city in retaliation for the participation of the Galidjians in the capture of Kazan. On the way back, the sardar learned about the intention of the ulubiya to kill his army and fled to the State through Khan-Kerman. The local boyars did not dare to interfere with his passage. From the Modjar Bulgars, he learned that Syuyumbika, who became the younger wife of Shah-Gali because of her unwillingness to be baptized, was poisoned by the order of Alasha by her Tatar servants. Even earlier, Shah-Gali himself was poisoned. Both the khan and his wife were poisoned because Alasha was afraid of their transfer to the service of the seid-emir of Bulgar together with the Modzhar Bulgars and the Nogais allied with them. Nevertheless… the war with the State still broke out…

In 1569, due to the carelessness of the seid, who disbanded the army for the holiday, the Russians from Chulman suddenly occupied Ufa. Husain barely managed to escape from the capital and received the nickname "Bayram-Gazi" for his frivolity. And this war itself began to be called “Bayram sugyshy”. Yapancha was then sent to the Seber-Ishtyak region of the Ishtyak il for help and stayed there with 500 of his Cossacks. He was given the title of tyure of this region, where 12 thousand of our subashes lived. He later distinguished himself in the war with the infidels who invaded his Se-ber, and died during the same battle with them ... In the same year, Husain died, and power passed to his son Sheikh-Gali. For three years he bravely fought with the infidels, but then he was forced to retreat to the Bulgar Nogai...

However, already in 1579, the Uruses, who had established themselves in Ufa with the help of a part of the Bashkort biys who had gone over to their side, brought their allies to complete impoverishment and forced them in despair to go over to the side of Khusain's son Seid-Emir Sheikh-Gali. The ruler lived in Kargaly for some time, which is why he received the nickname "Kargaly". His army, in which, in addition to ours, there were Bulgar Nogais, and Sebers, and Kyrgyz, drove the infidels out of Ufa. Most of the Russians were killed, but one of their detachments was able to retreat to Chulman in perfect order and fiercely defending himself. When our prisoners were asked what explains such steadfastness, they replied that they were entrusted with the protection of the image of one of the Russian gods, which was especially dear to Alashi ...

Ours again broke through to Kan, Dzhuketun, Mir-Galidzh, Kush-Urma and Chulman, but the drought of 1583 caused terrible famine and confusion among the people. The army of Alashi again moved to the State, destroying everything in its path.

Mohammed-Bakhadir had already died by that time, the Ishtyak Ulug-bek Yermak, who distinguished himself in the war with the Chulman Cossacks, fell during a raid on Dzhuketun, and of the noble beks from Sheikh-Gali, only the son of Enei-bek Berket remained. Then the seid-emir himself came to the Challians with his treasury and called on them to stand under his banner, but they, exhausted by hunger and fearing the Russian massacre, answered him: "We have a more important task than war - harvesting bread." The frustrated seid began to retreat to Ufa. The Bashkort Bulgars also left him, and only 50 Cossacks remained with him. At the mouth of the Ik, one Cossack said to the seid: “Oh, Kan! The horses are exhausted and we will have to leave here either the gold or your favorite books. Would you like me to drop the books?" Sheikh-Gali answered: “The state needs the treasury, and if the state ceased to exist, then why do we need gold? Now books will be more important for people, from where they can draw strength to preserve their customs and restore the State. And one dastan of Gali at such a time is worth more than any treasury. So drop the gold and bring the books."

The Cossacks buried all the treasures of the Bulgarian treasury in the mouth of the Ik, so that the infidels who occupied Ufa got nothing. Sheikh-Gali left the capital in late autumn, saying to the 12 beks who remained with him: “The enemy is attacking us, who threatens to exterminate all our people in case of resistance, and the people themselves are completely exhausted and are not able to put up any significant number of soldiers. Most of the beks, for the sake of preserving their possessions, shamefully submitted to the Uruses. In this case, our resistance will be senseless and doom people to death. Allah, apparently, leaves me one thing: the voluntary removal from the thousand-year rule of my kind over the Bulgar State. And I, as it should be for all the servants of the Almighty, calmly and meekly obey the command of the Great Tangra and retire to Kyrgyzstan.”

After these words, the seid made a prayer and left Ufa with his Cossacks. His notebook ends with verses dedicated to the beks who betrayed him and the State:

Dus, dus digenem -
Dus tugel ikensez!
Dus deep uk yergenem -
Bar yes doshman ikensez!

And, balalar, balalar,
Bezden ate ai kal al ar;
Bezden galangal mallarny
Ruslar kilep alalar.

I called you "my friends" -
You were not like that.
I thought you were strong in friendship.
It turns out you are the enemy.

Children, children - after us
You will be left in tears.
And the legacy will be gone -
Rus will take him when he comes.


And the bitterness of these words is still on our lips... They say that after the departure of the seid-emir, his 12 faithful beks began to be ascetic in spreading the faith and earned the title of sheikhs. Each of them founded a madrasah, the shakirds of which were engaged in rewriting rare and dilapidated books. Everything necessary for the existence of these madrasas was purchased with funds from the buried treasury. When necessary, the shakirds most capable of fighting united into detachments and made their way through the troops of the infidels to the mouth of the Ik. Having taken the required amount of gold, they quickly returned to their auls, where madrasahs operated. Thanks to this, hundreds of books were saved from destruction, and our people were able to withstand all the blows of fate and again rise to the holy war for the restoration of their Bulgar State...

[Note: Majit Mamysh-Birde and his wife, the daughter of the seid Kul-Ashraf, are the ancestors of our glorious seids Jan-Gali and Jagfar Bulgari...]

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