
Begunov Yuri Konstantinovich

The address

  • Saint Petersburg
  • Russia

Additional Information

Yuri Konstantinovich Begunov (20.10.1932 — 18.01.2014)

- professor, doctor of philological sciences.

Begunov Yuri KonstantinovichSoviet and Russian Slavic philologist, conspiracy theorist, specialist in the study of ancient texts, professor of political science at the Baltic State University (Voenmekh), honorary professor at Veliko Tarnovo University (Bulgaria). Author of studies on the literature, culture and art of Ancient Rus', Russian-Bulgarian literary relations, a wide range of Slavic problems, bibliography and source studies. Doctor of Philology (1983), member of the Union of Writers of Russia, member of the Russian Historical Society, member of the Association of Bulgarists of the CIS. Author of more than 500 scientific publications, including about 30 books.

In 1955 he graduated from the Leningrad State University. In 1960 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "The Word about the destruction of the Russian land." In 1983 he defended his doctoral dissertation.

Since 1958 he worked at the Institute of Russian Literature of the Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House), since 1986 - a leading researcher.

Begunov's scientific interests included Slavic philology, Russian history, ancient Russian literature, national folklore, traditions and customs.

He took part in 11 archaeological expeditions, during which more than a thousand chronicles and books were found. One of these expeditions through northern Russia, led by Begunov and writer Dmitry Balashov, is featured in the film Journey for Ancient Books, which won first place in a 1967 geographical film competition.

In 1991 he made a scientific trip to Germany, delivered lectures at six universities in this country, worked in the German, French and Swiss archives.

Author of more than 500 scientific publications, including about 30 books.


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