Bu-Yurgan kitabs (Kazan tarihi)

Bu-Yurgan kitabs. Chapter 4

AT In 1422, Emir Bi-Omar died, and his son was raised to the Bulgarian throne from Gaisha-khatyn Gali-bei, nicknamed Kazanchi. The new emir did not notice that the majority of influential beks began to tend to leave the influence of the hated people of Kypchak, but the Ashrafids understood this well. They themselves, having suffered from the Kypchaks, sought to save the Bulgars from the Horde tribute. The son of Bek Khusain, Yabyk-Mohammed, did not even allow to pronounce the word “Tatar” in his presence ... In the wake of such discontent, old Khusain mounted a horse in 1427 and destroyed a detachment of new Nogais on Cheremshan, who tried to proceed to the pastures of Kichi-Varma without paying a fee. Cheremshan. The white Nogais complained to the Kypchak, and the Saray Khan ordered the Emir to punish the Challyn Bek. Gali Bei obeyed and brought shame and great misfortune on his head. When he ordered his governors to arrest Khusain, who was already mortally ill, he in turn expelled them from Cheremshan. Mumin, the owner of the Kashan district, which began to be called Laishevskaya, supported Khusain and his son Yabyk-Mohdmmed. When the emir sent a detachment of the son of Bek-Daud Sultan to Challi, Mumin blocked his path near the village of Takhta. In a fierce battle, Mumin was killed, but the Sultan, who received a wound, considered it good to turn back. He swore that if he survived, he would name his son Takhta, and when he recovered, he fulfilled his promise. And the village of Takhta began to be called the Sultan, because its inhabitants were proud of the defeat of the khan ...

Having learned about the Sultan's massacre, bek Malmysh became furious and wanted to go to war against Gali Bey. But Mumin's son Musafir wrote to him that this would only aggravate the split of the State and advised him to pour out his anger on the infidels, who again stopped paying tribute. Malmysh, marveling at the mind of the young man, sent his son Haji Baba-bek to Jir. Haji Baba-bek forced the Mir-Galidzh district to pay tribute and brought it to the emir. Gali-bei, on the other hand, became furious and shouted at him: “We cannot exact tribute from Rus' - the khan's possession, and you invaded the borders of Kypchak! For this I will send you in chains to the Barn!” The emir's djurs barely managed to grab the bek and chain him in iron. The Sultan took Haji Baba-bek to Saray. Old Malmysh found the strength to mount his horse and, having prayed in Bolgar, went to cut off the khan. At the Bayrash River, he attacked the Sultan and in a fierce skirmish snatched his young son from his hands. In memory of this, the son of Haji Baba-bek received the name Bayrash. And he named his son Urak - the name of the Nogai bey, who was slain in 1411 by his great-grandfather ...



When the Sultan informed the emir about Malmysh's crime, Gali-bei called the Kazanchis and decided to put an end to Ismaildan's family, which had long interfered with them. Smiling ominously - in anticipation of the division of the rich possessions of the Ismaildans - Arslan, Kaban and other Kazan beks jumped into the saddle and went straight from the emir's palace to Ashyt. They did not take Malmysh by surprise, but they turned out to be stronger due to their numbers. In a bloody fight, Malmysh was knocked off his horse and hurt himself badly. His son took him to the Kukmor district, where the old man managed to found a city and soon died. Haji Baba-bek named this city on Nukrat-su after his father - Malmysh. Then he expanded his possessions to Urjum and founded the city of Shem-Mardan, named after his grandfather Marjan. Then, when the new Shem-Mardan was built, the old one was called Iske Yort. And these lands were state-owned and local arers paid taxes to the emir. The old people told me how Haji Baba-bek gathered their great-grandfathers in Shem-Mardan and announced to them: “I am your new master. I will declare those who accept Islam to be my Cossacks and impose taxes for off-duty time no higher than Ak-Chirmysh, and those who persist in paganism I will turn into Kurmysh. The majority, of course, converted to Islam, and a quarter of the Igenches. refused and turned into kurmish. Of course, they began to resent in the hope of the emir's help, but the Ismaildans were harsh Kazanchis and quickly twisted the rebels. The emir also tried to get the presumptuous bek, and his kazanchis managed to burn Shem-Mardan and move after the rebel retreating to Malmysh. But he arranged a forest ambush for the entire pack near the village of Bailyangar and killed many. Those who survived in panic galloped without rest to Archa and refused to go again to Ismaildanov... And the old people added that all the Ars who converted to Islam had already forgotten their language in the second generation and became Bulgars, because the bek gave money and built two in each village. three mosques with schools for teaching the faith and language of the Bulgars. And then the pagans, living among the faithful, forgot the Aryan dialects ...


In 1430, the Bek of the Uruses raided Kazan, but got lost in the Kukdzhak district and fled from his exhausted army along with a few boyars on the last horses. The infidels - and there were 27 thousand of them - were completely exhausted during their wanderings in the forests. Arsk chirmysh, when they found them, killed hundreds of enemies and without any pity, so that they would stop passing through their thickets. And indeed, the Balyns were terribly afraid from that time to walk through these parts. Only three thousand infidels escaped death and went to the Bulgarian auls, where they were pitied and sent to Kazan. The emir sold them to the dan, and instead of gratitude he sent officials to the Subash auls in Al-Ata to search for the rest of the infidels. Those by force and whips forced the subashes to betray the sheltered Uruses, who wished to convert to Islam, and the emir sold them too. Subash villages that were involved in this case, Gali-bei ordered to be transferred to the category of Kurmysh and distributed to Kazanchis. Subashes took up arms and in battles with Kazanchis, one half of them defended their freedom and lands, while the other half was forced to leave their auls and went up the river ...

Excessively endowing his kazanchis, the emir forgot that only force, and not servility, makes them serve. The ulans, seeing that the emir was not very smart and became entirely dependent on them, ceased to appreciate and reckon with him. The Ashrafids, feeling their strength, decided to take power of the State under the banner of the struggle against the infidels Kipchak and Balyn in the name of restoring a united and free from anyone's influence Bulgar. In 1431, Yabyk-Mohammed proclaimed himself a ghazi and emir of Bolgar, and then Gali-bei ordered to officially return Kazan to its former name Gazan...

In 1436, taking advantage of the split between the Kypchak and the Nogai on the sides of Khan Ulug-Mohammed, Kichi-Ahmed and Said-Ahmed, Emir Yabyk-Mohammed sent his ambassadors to Ulug-Mohammed and received from him a letter recognizing the independence of Bulgar in exchange for payments tribute to the Nogai and Turkic khans and the maintenance of the Turkic khans with their murzas for the time of their service to Bulgar for the high connection of the emirs of Bulgar with the good Turkic lands. The total amount of tribute did not exceed the previous constant payments to the Tatars, which were very tolerable, and Yabyk-Mohammed gladly agreed to these conditions for the Bulgar to get out of the influence of the Kypchak. And this certificate was very expensive. After all, according to the Tatar custom, what one khan indicated could not be canceled by another, which means that the decree of Ulug-Mohammed, even if he was a khan for half a day, remained valid for all times and for all other Tatar khans. Due to its importance, it was kept in Korym-Challi ... They also say that in honor of the ambassadors who brought the khan's letter, Yabyk-Mohammed arranged such a luxurious feast that he received the nickname "Bayram Gazi". And my father told me - “Ulug-Mohammed agreed to give this letter because he needed the help of Bulgar” ... Then the same letter was given to Bulgar and Ham Said-Ahmed, and he received our help ..


Some Nogai beks and khans were hostile to the State, but they could not do anything: the Bulgar strengthened, and the Kypchak split into hordes and weakened. Ulug-Mohammed, who was trying to recapture the Saran throne from Kichi-Ahmed and was at enmity with him, suddenly left the steppes to Jun-Kala in 1437. Yabyk-Mohammed immediately recognized him as the head (khan) of the Kypchak-Echke-Bulgarian Union (khan-lyk), wishing to put an end to Gali-bey with his help and subordinate Kypchak to Bulgar. But the Kyrgyz bek Quraish, a descendant of Shonkar-bey, who enjoyed the unlimited confidence of Ulug-Mohammed, persuaded the seid-emir not to start wars with the faithful, but to put an end to Gali-bey using other means.

In 1437, Ulug-Mohammed, at the request of Quraish, demanded soldiers from 1 Ali Bey to march on Moscow that had rebelled against him. Gali-bei could not send anyone, because his Kazanchis refused to go to war, but Yabyk-Mohammed sent his son Gabdel-Mumin with the Cossacks of the son of Burtas Shali ... Poor Burtas, together with Hamid-Batyr, dared to object to the massacre of Malmysh, and when the emir invited them both to his place, he carelessly went to him and was captured by him and executed. After that, Shali left Hamid-Batyr for Yabyk-Mohammed, and from that time on, representatives of his Amirov clan served the Ashrafids. The emir appointed him sardar of the Cossack district, which was located between the rivers Misha and Agidel and was named Shali Ashnyak - after all, the founder of his family, Amir-Subash, was the leader of the Saban tribe Ashnyak or Aznak. And the main balik of the district was named Ashnyak. Soon the old man Shali ceded the post of sardar to his son Kichi-Amir, and he himself retired and built a balik Shali for himself in the district. And in the Kurmyshs, Shali's grandfather Garaf had 500 prisoners taken by him in the main prison of the Ushkuiniki. Under Shali, their children converted to Islam and began to consider themselves Bulgars. Sardar transferred them to subashi, and they settled on the land allocated to them in the district - near the balik Balikly ...

When it became necessary for Emir Yabyk-Mohammed to communicate with Ulug-Mohammed, he decided to take the title of seid-emir... which is higher than all other earthly titles... And the title "seid" was owned in the Volgar by the descendants of Saint Mohammed-Gali bine Mirkhuja: his son Mir-Gali, who died in Kazan, the son of Mir-Gali Yadkar, who ran out of the city during the defeat of Kazan to his village and, as a sign of condemnation of this, did not enter it anymore, the son of Yadkar Rajap, who preserved the ruins of Nur-Suvar and died near them, son Rajapa Isbel-Khuja, who traveled with the embassy of Mahmud ibn Gali to Misr and also died in Kazan, the sons of Isbel-Khuji Hammad and Khusain. Hammad barely had time to escape to Cheremshan from the Great Bolgar, when the infidels of Idegea burst into it, and his sons died there with ghazis with swords in their hands. Khusain, after the death of his wife Cheker-bi, the daughter of the merchant Salih, went to Bash-kort and died there in seclusion childless ... Hammad erected a mausoleum over his grave, which the people mistakenly began to call "Tyurbe Kul Gali". He, as my uncle told me, had no sons, and his daughter, the pious Emryach-bi - the mother of Husain Ashraf - was married to Chally-Mohammed. Therefore, Seid Hammad, when he felt the end of the term allotted to him by the Almighty, decided to bless him to accept the title of Seid Husain. But Khusain refused in favor of his newborn son Yabyk-Mohammed, and Saint Hammad named the baby Seid of Bulgar...

Yabyk-Mohammed did not dare to openly call himself a seid for some time, but then the time came - and he indicated himself with this title in a letter to Ulug-Mohammed ...

For this support, Ulug-Mohammed sent a letter to Yabyk-Mohammed, in which he recognized the seid as the ruler of the entire Echke Bulgar, provided that the khan and his descendants were fed in Kazan. This letter was kept in Echke-Kazan… Quraish informed Kazan about the decision of the khan, and the Kazanchis preferred to overthrow Gali-bey with their own hands and recognize the authority of the seid-emir…

The young son of Yabyk-Mohammed Gabdel-Mumin, named so in memory of the son of Salman Mumin, justified the duties assigned to him. When in the battle with the Balyns on Nerle-su even the Kyrgyz faltered and fled, he remained in the ranks of the Cossacks of Shali and this moved them to perseverance in the fight against the infidels. The Cossacks held out until Kuraish returned the Kyrgyz to the battlefield and then, together with them, defeated the Muscovites and captured their Bek. My uncle told me that Gabdel-Mumin was the first to grab the bridle of the horse of the bek of the infidels, but then handed it over to the galloping Quraish with the words: “Bek! You deserve this victory!" […]

But then the brother of Khan Kara-Yakub, greedy for money, together with the sons of the Khan Yakub and Kasim, raised a rebellion against Ulug-Mohammed. The rebel took Kazan and killed Ulug-Mohammed, who arrived here - by order of the seid-emir. Then Kara-Yakub, having freed the captive Urussian ulubi who was languishing here, moved with him to Kurmysh. Quraish and the third son of Ulug-Mohammed Mahmud-tek were shocked by this treachery and betrayal. In Kurmysh, a battle took place between them and the villain. In the midst of the battle of Kara-



Yakub rushed at Mahmudtek with a knife, but he beat his uncle with mortal blows of his own dagger and rode off to Simbir to Hamid-Batyr with Kuraish and a faithful thousand Kyrgyz. Gabdel-Mumin immediately arrived here, and they all agreed that Khan Mahmudtek and his people would enter the service of the seid-emir ... At first, Yabyk-Mohammed instructed the khan to take Kazan, since Gali-bey was liberated by Kara-Yakub and again claimed power. Hamid-Batyr's son Yusuf and Danil's son Auli immediately set off together with Mahmudtek and Kuraish towards Kazan. The cannon master in the city was then the son of Rail, Urum-Mohammed, and the gunners were headed by the son of Urum-Mohammed Mamli. When Yusuf approached the city, they pounded the cannons and poured water on gunpowder so that the blood of the Bulgars would not be shed through their fault. Baigara, the son of Biktimer, the grandson of Mamli, told me about this. He also told me that Biktimer had no sons for a long time and, in despair, he took Maryam as his wife and adopted her sons Budish and Pan. For this good deed, the Almighty rewarded him, and his first wife gave birth to his son Baigara a year later. Biktimer taught Baigara, Budish and Pan his craft, and together they made three huge cannons with cannon balls in a man's belt. When they started shooting, the infidels rushed away in horror from the walls of Kazan ...

And from Chally, seid-emir Yabyk-Mohammed himself moved to the possessions of Gali-bey with the Cossacks of Shali. They reached the possession of Hadji Baba-bek's neighbor, Kazanchi Timershah, whom the Ismaildans alone suffered near them for his non-participation in civil strife. Enjoying the respect of all the Kazanchi, Timershah ordered them to gather in Novaya Archa, the center of the Kazanchi district. When this was done, the seid announced his desire to unite the Bulgars under his rule and rid the State of the Kypchak influence. To this, Haji Baba-bek, Musafir and Timershah replied that they would allow this if the seid-emir guarantees the inviolability of their rights. Yabyk-Mohammed immediately wrote a letter stating that he would respect the rights of Kazanchis, and they went to Kazan together with Shali through Echke-Kazan, whose kalga was called Ar-Kala (Archa-Balik). At the Biektau fortress, Gabdel-Mumin and Makhmudtek were already waiting for them, having passed here from the Mountain side through Bolgar and Laish. Together they approached Kazan and Gabdel-Mumin offered the Kazanians the next morning to surrender the city and threatened otherwise with a terrible attack. In Kazan there were Yakub with 500 Kyrgyz and Nogai biy Kildibek with 2500 horsemen. But the Tazikbash people, seeing that Gali Bey was not supported by anyone in the State, contacted Gabdel-Mumin and let his people into the city. Yakub locked himself with Gali Bey in Yugary Kerman, and Kildibek in the Bukhara Court. But when the cowardly Yakub surrendered to Gabdel-Mumin and handed over Gali-bey to him in exchange for a free exit from the city, Kildibek fled in horror. Ours rushed after them, mercilessly beating the Tatars and throwing them off the cliff. Only 300 of them, together with the bey, were saved thanks to the intercession of Yusuf, who had just arrived at the Nogai Gate. When our people were distracted by this matter, Gali-bei took it into his head to run away in the confusion, but Shali caught up with him and led his horse by the bridle. Suddenly, the emir stabbed him with a dagger, and the sardar, already bleeding, answered him in the same way and killed him. Shali's son Amir took his father to the Shali fortress. When, on the way back, the seid-emir stopped by to inquire about the health of his sardar, he received the following answer from Amir: “Father, glory to Allah, calmly said goodbye to mortal life, for he avenged his father” ...


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